Intruiging Decision

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~(Y/n)'s POV in school canteen~

"Thanks for coming to eat lunch with me, Haruhi-kun! I'll treat you food" I thanked Haruhi with a wink. The food in this school is really good to be honest.

"No problem, (y/n)-chan. You don't need to treat me since I brought a bento box. Thanks for the offer though" Haruhi replied in a shy and timid manner.

"Bento box? What is that? Never heard of it" I asked. Is that like a lunch box or something?

"Well that's what we call a lunch box here in Japan. Uhh instead of treating me with food... Can you at least come with me to the host club later? The twins keeps bothering me since they wanted you to go there" She pleaded with seriousness plastered on her small face.

"Well I can't say no right? I'll help yo-" I was interrupted by a strong force...

"HARUHI! (Y/N)! I'M SO HAPPY TO SEE MY DAUGHTERS! It's rare to see you here in the canteen" Tamaki tightly hugs us both, choking us in an absurd way.

"Ugh! Let go, blondie!" I replied as I hastily panted for air.

"Are you seriously trying to kill us, Tamaki-senpai?" Haruhi asked as she coughed heavily. How are we still alive? I can't believe I was dead for like 4.69 seconds.

"Oh look who decided to show up" the familiar voice sent shivers down my freaking spine.

"(y/n) (l/n)" the other continued. The twins walked closer to me. Oh great I guess coming here with Haruhi was the worst idea. These hosts are a pain in the butt!

"Oh I forgot I had a homework to pass later! I gotta go bye ya'll!" I made an excuse to escape the hell I was about to face. I was stopped by a tiny hand that grabbed my banana dress.

"You aren't eating with us, (y/n)-chan?" Honey-senpai spoke as he tried to make me fall for his "cute" teary-eyed face. I have no time for this toddler.

"Sorry but I really have no time to waste" I replied in a pleasing manner as I took my leave towards my next class to chill for a while.

~Kaoru's POV~

She's no fun at all! We can't let our toy go away wouldn't we. I looked at Hikaru as a signal to leave and catch up with (y/n). We immediately left the canteen and looked for the cute little air-head.

"We planned it for you, (y/n) so that those stupid brunettes wouldn't disturb you anymore" we heard accidentally eavesdropped. We peeked and saw Mark and Jake talking with (y/n).

"Speaking of the devils" Mark continued speaking as his eyes travelled towards our direction, making Jake and (y/n) look at us too. I can sense Hikaru's anger.

"What do you mean plan, douchebag?" Hikaru replied with anger mixed in his voice.

"Oh that. We were supposed to work on it in the latter but there's no point hiding it now. We want to join the host club" Jake retorted with a sly smirk. I tried my best not to laugh and make a ruckus..

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Hikaru and I burst out laughing. We couldn't take their joke!

"You two?-" I started.

"-Joining the host club?" Hikaru continued.

"You must be kidding" the both of us finished as we wiped our tears and looked back at them. They just stared at us with no pun intended in their looks.

"That's a good idea since we could gain more profit. We just need to look for your type, Mark and Jake" a wild Ootori appeared. I used ignore. That money-faced idiot is a traitor.

"Oh there you are, Hikaru, Kaoru! We've been looking for you. You can't just leave the other hosts! We are ohana! Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten..." Tamaki decided to butt in too and deliver a speech.

"Whatever, tono" Hikaru and I spoke in unison.

"I think you guys shouldn't join the host club- " (y/n) said.

"I agree" Hikaru and I supported (y/n)'s stand.

"-it's chaotic as it is" (y/n) continued.

"Wait what?" We replied.

"You, Mark and Jake, are accepted as hosts in the Ouran high school host club. For your orientation for the club, we have the boss and Haruhi to give. you details. See you after school" with that, Kyoya left with a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Well that was easy!" Jake broke the silence. You just got lucky dumbos.

"Tsk. He didn't even hear me out! That octopus head" (y/n) argued, annoyed by Kyoya's decision. Aw (y/n)'s so adorable haha! I then felt daggers on my side. I gulped as I smiled at my twin brother.

*school bell rings*

"(y/n) we're in the same class! let's go together" We spoke in our signature voices in unison.

"Well I can't say no to that. See you later, Mark and Jake" she bid them goodbye and then left with us. I smirked and looked at a my twin.

"Hey (y/n) wanna visit our mansion? There's tons of food and clothes there!" I suggested so we could spend the weekend with (y/n) and she wouldn't have to waste her time on those idiots.

"I'll check if I have plans on weekend and if I don't I might... I dunno" she replied. She's so cute! I can't wait 'til mom meets her and dresses her up with her well-designed clothes. I suddenly felt the exact same sensation in my side again.

"That's a good idea, Kaoru. What could go wrong?" he retorted, with irritation obvious in his tone of speaking. I can't stop it, you know. She's just so cute, not that I like her or anything... or do I?

‿︵‿︵‿︵‿ヽ(°□° )ノ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵
(A.N. This is our new chapter separator kinda thingy by the way hehe anyway it's kawaiiii)

ALL POTATOES LISTEN UP!! WE HAVE FINALLY REACHED THAT 5K VIEW COUNT 。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。 IT'S A HUGE MILESTONE FOR ME since it's my first ongoing story! I can't believe it to the point that I had to blink three times too confirm what I see in the story info. I thank y'all so much for the unending support fam! I wouldn't have continued this story of mine if it weren't for you guys :c I'm glad that the Ouran fans haven't vanished yet hehe. Don't forget to comment for ideas andddd in case you didn't know/you wanted to know, I try to update within a week: every 2-3 days if I'm not that busy, 4-7 days if Lil-chan is sick or busy with school stuff, and in case it exceeds a week, I will try to publish more than a chapter :D As always, you guys could just comment for suggestions and I will add them to the story (if they are good enough >:3) See ya in the next update >.<

The Troubling Reverse Harem: A Hikaru X reader X Kaoru FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now