Instant Regret

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First of all... Does anyone still even read this story?? And can anyone still remember the storyline? Well, if you are reading this then I guess there's still some loyal Ouran stans and I salute :< Off to the story that we've all been waiting for centuries.

‿︵‿︵‿︵‿ヽ(°□° )ノ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵

~y/n's POV~

Oh gosh I literally didn't think this through. Should I bring Haruhi with me? I mean I wouldn't feel comfortable with just the three of us. I mean, who would?

*mini flashback*

"Alright! Fine, I'll go. I'll go. Just stop bothering me for Pete's sake" I ceded with a hint of annoyance.

"FINALLY! It only took us about an entire day to persuade you to join us" the two brunettes sighed as they walked beside me. I swear these two are driving me crazy in a bad way. Maybe I really am crazy for thinking they would agree with my disagreement and undoubtfulness. Asking me was of no use at all if I had no say for the decision, but who cares about my feelings.

"Oh really? That's great 'cause no one really asked you to invite me into your pretty castle. Sucks for you" I mumbled as I continued to walk away from the orange heads. I crave for peace, silence and food. They are exactly what I wouldn't want to deal with at the moment.

"(Y/n), don't call it a castle. I mean it isn't really that enormous" Kaoru bashfully replied. I rolled my eyes as I heard his smugged remark.

"Right. Right. It's an adequate mansion, if I had to say" Hikaru added.

"I'll head off first. Gotta work on something-" I replied as I quickly left them before they could do anything to prevent me from leaving. I could hear their shouts gradually fading away as I continued to walk past the long halls.

*end of mini flashback*

Brain cell #1: You could've just told them you couldn't go, you idiot. We make the best excuses in town.

Brain cell #2: She's literally the worst liar and we know that.

Brain cell #3: Bringing Haruhi is the best decision yet so far

Brain cell #1 & #2: I agree

I don't know which is worse: being called an idiot, a bad strategist or just the fact that I only have three brain cells. Anyway, I'll have to call Haruhi and hope for the best that she'd accompany me.

~time passes~

"I'm so glad you agreed to come along, Haruhi!" I exclaimed as I clung onto her left shoulder.

"No biggie. I just had to wake up too early and now I'll have to deal with-" Haruhi was cut off by the sound of a car beeping.

"NO TIME TO WASTE LET'S GO" the twins grabbed us before we could retaliate. I could feel Haruhi's soft glares shooting right through the side of my face. I feel bad for not feeling bad for Haruhi. We suffer together in a good way for me ??

"We made a full list of the things we're planning to do today. It's called the "quadbond". Four of us bonding together!" the brunettes spouted nonsense out of nowhere at all.

"I hate to be that frank guy but that was the worst out of your long list of name ideas. Literally sounds like a glue brand" Haruhi commented as I immediately burst out laughing with tears welling up my eye sockets.

"I told you they'd laugh about it-" Hikaru directed his eyes towards his twin.

"-Which is the point" Kaoru finished as both of them looked towards us at the same time. I swear it would look creepy as heck if you aren't used to it + just sayin'

"How long is it gonna take for us to get there though?" I curiously asked.

"About a second or two" Kaoru replied.

"Wha-! " I was cut off by the twins

"We're here!" the twins immediately got down and stared at my shook (pikachu) face :0

"Let's go, (y/n). Start early, end early. We'll do this thing together" Haruhi stated with a motherly look in her eyes. I immediately hugged her and then we got down and saw the mansion. It was neatly designed and the structure looks phenomenal unlike the other mansions that I have commonly seen, but it surely is slightly inferior to mine. Why you ask? Two words: food and food.

We continue to walk through the enormous pillars and arrived at the main entrance. We were greeted by twin maids and were ushered towards the queen of the mansion. We were sent to the waiting area where high quality tea was served - I could tell from just a scent. The twins are currently nowhere to be seen. They must've greeted their mother in advance. I looked over towaeds Haruhi and saw her frantic and panting movements.

"What's up?" I casually asked.

"Nothing. Just not exactly excited of the embarrassing things that I could possibly do - like breaking things which are a huge habit of mine. It's quite a handful, I must admit" She replied, slowly calming down.

"Haha. That's alright! I can always be of help - especially if you have financial needs. Take it as my way of paying you back for your genuine concern for me and for going to this exhausting trip with me. She smiled and we chatted a little as a gorgeous woman suddenly appears in front of us, smiling brightly.

"The madam is waiting for you in her room. I'll lead the way for you" the woman spoke and escorted us toward the room. Who would've guessed.

"Welcome, my dear children" an even more gorgeous and stunning woman greeted us as we walked toward her direction and gave respect. I could tell that she's fashionably flawless as my eyes were filled with the beams of her beautiful dress.

"It's amazing. You are amazing." I replied as Haruhi nodded frantically beside me.

"Guess we got the goods from mom" the twins came out of nowhere once again but am I surprised? No.

‿︵‿︵‿︵‿ヽ(°□° )ノ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵

Dear potatoes,
I'd like to apologize for the longest update of eternity but I'll be honest. I completely forgot that I had a story. I haven't been using this orange app for a long time now (Webtoons are killing my time now and I'm not regretting anything lmao). I won't make promises anymore for my update schedules and I'll do as I can. Thank you so much for the support and encouragement in the comments!! Please do leave more and add a like if you can and share it maybe ?? It's about to reach 10k and I'm feeling quite jolly yet undeserving of such. LOVE YOU ALL! Btw, MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎄🎉

- Lil-chan ❤️🤧

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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