Take me back to when I didn't understand this world,
Take me back to when I didn't know how messed up it really was,
To when my days were pure gold,
To when I used to believe all those pretty lies
About how awesome life was.Take me back to when I didn't care about anything,
To when all what mattered to me was to be happy,
Now society has taught me to hide my feelings,
And to just "sit still look pretty".Take me back to when I loved everyone,
To when we were an accepting family
Now from all those people I trust no one,
Because sooner or later they'll probably judge meTake me back to when I had big dreams,
To when nothing seemed impossible,
Now I've been disappointed so much I don't allow myself to dream,
Because my goals always appear unreachable.Take me back to when my mind was like a beautiful garden,
where my imagination transported me,
Now that garden gave in to the ravaging fire of anxiety and depression,
And my own thoughts are slowly killing me.I would give anything thing to go back to that time,
To relive my childhood days,
But I guess that's what growing up is,
And a lot of things will change,But even with all these changes I won't give up,
My future is ahead of me,
Yes life was so much easier back then,
But now life is challenging me.
-Nour Ibrahim-
Lost thoughts
PoesíaThat's the unfortunate reality Of star crossed lovers, No happy fairytale endings, More like Romeo and Juliette their love kills, When they don't acknowledge each other's feelings. -Nour Ibrahim-