Chapter 2

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" If you don't mind , can I sit here ? "
A boy's voice asked me. I looked up from my political science textbook -which I was reading to kill the time before the teacher comes - and saw a pair of chocolate brown eyes staring at me.
I stiffened a little . He was the same guy who waved at me from the parking lot in the morning.
He was now pointing to a seat next to me with a big smile on his lips , waiting expectantly for me to answer.
In the morning , after he waved at me , I had just blushed and had quickly walked away without sparing him a glance. But my mind was filled with him .
Who waves at strangers? Was he mocking me? For staring at him ? Does he think I like him or what ? Because let me get that straight. I don't like him . Yes , I may have thought that he is good looking. But that's it. I am not naive enough to like somebody only for their looks.
And he is rich. Rich people are arrogant.
They don't care about anything else other  than their profit.They are trouble.
And I was planning to remain trouble free.
I have come here to study and not to make friends, especially rich friends, who will just play with me and my emotions until they get bored and I get heartbroken..
I craned my neck behind and above me to see for any empty seat.
I was seated in an amphitheatre lecture hall. In the very first row.
Typical of me.
" All the other seats are taken." , seeing what I was looking at , he told me. Sure enough , all the other seats were taken.
When did all these people come? I was the first to enter the class . I must have engrossed in reading. Which was not a surprise though.
" Do you always zone out like this when somebody talks to you?"
He asked waving a hand in front of my face.
I blinked and looked at him . Even though he was accusing me , he was smiling, showing his dimples. I had an instant urge to poke him there .
Ugh..What's happening to you ,Meera ! You are not like this. What will your parents think if they know what you are thinking ! Get a grip! I mentally snapped myself.
This is not usual of me . I don't normally think about poking other people's dimples.
Feeling embarrassed about my chain of thoughts , I answered his question , " No and yes."
" I mean , no , I don't zone out of conversations often and yes , you can sit here ."
"Thanks." smiling , he said and jumped from the desk inside , to seat on my left side.
I rolled my eyes. He could have just walked from side like a normal person . But no.
As if guessing my exact thoughts , he said , " Normal is not my thing."
and gave me a cheeky grin.
I just shrugged and went back to read the textbook in front of me.
"So... what's your name ?" , he asked , playing with strap of his bag kept in between us.
I answered him reluctantly , still looking at my book.
Not taking the hint that I want to study , he carried on anyways.
"That's a beautiful name ! I am Mohak , by the way. Nice to meet you , Meera!"He said , smiling. I felt somewhat warm...
I shook my head to clear my thoughts .
This boy smiles too much...
" Thanks for the compliment. Nice to meet you too." I replied , just out of politeness, giving him a tight lipped smile.
Before I could go back to reading my book , he asked,
"Do you know me from before ?"
" Am I supposed to? " , I asked him in return , furrowing my eyebrows together .
" No. But you were looking at me today morning curiously... So I thought may be you know my name or something. "
No, I was just admiring your beauty.
I blushed furiously as this thought popped up .
I thought he would never bring that up. I fidgeted with fabric of my kurti.
This conversation  was making me uncomfortable.
Where is the teacher ?!
Where is he or she , whatever it is , when I need them !! Tardiness is the biggest problem of our country.
" Meera?"
Raking my brain for something to say to save my embarrassment, I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind.
" I..I was actually...umm..looking at the car behind you. Yes...that's what ! I was not looking at you..No. Sorry if you misunderstood... I was admiring the black car."
I gave him a toothy smile to sound convincing.
He looked distracted for a moment.
But then he started smirking , " So you are into sports cars, huh?"
What was there to smirk in that ?
But thank God , he was convinced by that !
And its not like I was telling him a complete lie. The car was totally swoon worthy...
" Yes... you can say that ."
"What else do you like ? "He asked , still smirking. 
I closed my book and sighed.
And here I thought girls talk more than boys...
This boy doesn't know how to shut up !
Thankfully ,I was spared from answering his question ; since, at that precise point , a bald man in crisp buttoned up white shirt and black pants , with a blue coloured Id-  card hanging from his neck , entered the classroom .
Our teacher for the political science.
Everyone stood up and greeted him good morning . When he signalled us to sit down,  I sat straight with my blue ballpen in a tight grip and my notebook opened on the desk. I didn't want to miss a single point which the teacher was going to tell.
" I guess , we will have to talk after the lecture is over ",  I vaguely hear Mohak say.

Forty-five minutes later , whole class buzzed with talking as the bell signaling the end of the class rang.
I quickly put my notebook and pouch containing my blue ballpen in my  backpack.
Zipping it fast and slinging it over my shoulders , I quickly headed for the door .
Suddenly , a certain someone gripped my left wrist. I  felt tingles there but I ignored them.
" Hey , where are you going?" , Mohak asked me looking confused. Not answering him , I glared at my wrist in his grip. He followed my gaze and released his hand from my wrist.Now, I answered him.
" Where everyone else is going ! To eat lunch?" I said , raising my eyebrows at him.
" Would you like to join me and my friends in the canteen? I am sure , they wouldn't..."
" I have bought my tiffin with me."
"No problem. You can eat your tiffin with us. I would also like to taste the home made food.", he said, smiling brightly.
His over friendliness was becoming annoying now.
"I would love to.But I already promised someone I would eat with them." I fake smiled at him.
His smile faltered a little .
I felt somewhat bad for being the reason of it...
So I told him,  softly, " I can ask her to join us, only if you are okay with it?"
" Absolutely! Why not ? "He said now smiling widely.
I also found myself smiling.
He is kind of cute...
Oh no! Stop thinking this you stupid mind!!

Author's note -
Hello my dear friends , how are you all ?
This chapter is just a filler to give you a glimpse of the nature of the characters.
Please do read it ☺.
Don't forget to comment , vote and share if you like it.
I promise , next chapter will have some action .
Waiting eagerly for your views, comments and votes 😊
                                          Yours truly

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