Chapter 6

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A whatsapp notification plopped on the top. It was a message from an unknown number.
" Hey beautiful , have you reached home ?"
I instantly knew who was the sender.
Aarav ! He was the only one using that nickname for me.
His dp showed Mohak and him laughing , with a background of Eiffel tower. They were both looking carefree and charming...
seeing Mohak there made me want to talk to him , in person.
What is happening to me? I just saw him an hour ago at the end of college... I thought feeling confused.
I sort of missed him and his smile , if it is even possible to miss a person you just met today...
Whistle of cooker from kitchen brought me back to the earth from my thoughts.
Seeing as Aarav was online , I decided to postpone my evening nap and started typing ,
" Yup. Have you reached yours?"
" Yeah , long time back. I live very near to the college." He typed .
"How did you get my number by the way?" I was curious . I didn't remember giving him it.
"Aarav knows everything:)"
Rolling my eyes , I typed , " Tell me the real answer."
" You are added in the college whatsapp group , silly ! That's where I got it."
"Oh yeah ! True that ." I typed laughing.
"Listen , tomarrow I am giving party at my home after the college and you should come! It will be fun."
"Umm...Aarav , thanks for inviting me but I can't come.Sorry , I don't attend parties."
"Hey , Don't say this ! Look , Mohak and Soniya are coming too. And you are coming too ! I will drop you to your home after the party . Party is totally safe. Me and Mohak will take care of your safety. "
"I don't need someone else to protect me , okay. I know karate well :)"
" Wow girl ! So, you are coming  right?"
I sighed.
I didn't want to disappoint him , but there was no way my parents were going to say yes for going to a party , that too at a boy's house...
"Look , I want to come but it's really difficult to persuade my parents and they are most probably going to say no."
" I can talk to them."
I laughed ."that's so nice of you , but it will make it worse... I will try to pursuade them myself. I can't promise anything but will try my best."
" Yo ho! Fingers crossed :)
Best luck for your endeavor , my soldier ! Mohak will be so glad if you would come ."
My heart started beating faster even just at mention of Mohak .Really ?
Why would he be glad if I come ? I Mean , I know we sort of are friends but we just met  today...He was really nice to me whole day but may be , he is nice to everyone he meets?
But he called me beautiful and sincere . May be he gives compliments to everyone... But I didn't see him give compliments to anyone else...Oh! Stop over thinking Meera !
"Hey , you there ? Meera? I have to invite others too, See you soon at my party , beautiful , buh bye!"
"Bye Aarav !"
I put my cellphone on the side table  drifting to sleep as I thought of ways to convince my parents ,  pushing thoughts about Mohak at the back of my mind for now.

Author's note :-
Hello dear friends ,
How are you all?
I know this chapter is extremely short...and late too...
Sorry guys , but my exams are really really near , so I need to concentrate there :(
I promise the next chapter will be extra long...
Love you all :)
Yours truly,

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