Chapter 8

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I muttered to myself as my eyes landed on the magnificent three storey bungalow in front of me. It was looking heavenly in the background of the orange light of the setting sun.
My eyes kept glued to it as I marched towards it on the clean white marble pavement.
Smell of roses greeted my nose even before I looked at the beautiful garden with roses of so many different colors scattered in the dark green carpet of grass.
I wondered looking at the rose plants , how much would be the cost just to maintain this garden ; let alone this magnificent mansion...
Aarav seemed to hear my wow , because he said smiling at me ," I am glad you liked it."
" Yeah , totally." I genuinely replied as I let my eyes wander around more as we all walked towards an elegant staircase leading to the front doors of his house.
" Oh look at that fountain ! It's so pretty with all those changing colours..." Soniya stopped walking and nudged me to look at our left where I could make out a big fountain. It was shaped like a pair of swans with their beaks touching each other and water falling in a single file through the joined beaks.
The water was falling on the white marble steps below the statue of swans and then running into a pond surrounding the lower steps.
I must say , everything here was eye treat! The fountain was glowing in the blue light giving it beautiful but a bit creepy appearance. As I was looking at it , the lighting suddenly changed colour and now the swans were glowing in a golden light. Amazing !
It was calming to  hear the steady rhythm of the water falling from the fountain.
I have only seen such grandour and richness in hindi television serials.
I mean I knew Aarav was rich but I hadn't expected this much lavishness...
"I hate to break it to you , Aarav but now is not the time to impress the ladies with your parent's wealth." Mohak said to Aarav who was smirking at the awestruck expression our faces.
He scowled at the Mohak .
Mohak had bored expressions on his face , but slight twitching of the corners of his mouth gave him away.
This boy can never stop smiling , even when feigning rudeness!
I thought and smiled myself.
" So what is this time suitable for,if may I know, your highness mighty Mohak ?" Aarav made a serious expression on his face and bowed a little with his right hand bend at elbow in front of his stomach to add the effect.
Soniya chuckled and Aarav winked at her. The red tinge on Soniya's cheeks matched that of the red roses in garden.
Mohak rolled his eyes and said,
"This is time to go inside and get ready for the party. Guests would start coming at any time now. So we better hurry up . We will give the girls a grand tour of the house and garden later. Okay girls? "
Mohak said smiling at us and he started dragging the Aarav towards the house before he could waste more time just for the fun of teasing him.
I looked at the time in my cellphone. 7:35.
I sighed.
Only fifteen minutes into the party and I was already starting to feel bored...

Having already text messaged my parents that I reached the party safe and sound and will be at home as soon as possible , I had nothing amusing to do than drink my coca cola sitting at a far corner of the hall on a plump sofa. I sipped the coca cola and absentmindedly opened my phone.
I looked at my phone's wallpaper which was a photo from our last year vacation to North India. My parents had saved for one full year for that vacation ...
It showed Tajmahal at background and my parents sitting on a bench, Mihir on lap of my father and me standing behind my parents , we all smiling pleasantly at the camera. Looking at it , as always , I smiled. It's my favourite photo of all four of us.
I wondered , had I made a mistake coming to this party? such lavishness doesn't suit with me...I fidgeted with my purple kurti absentmindedly.
My parents are working hard day and night and here I am , partying with a bunch of kids who have never known what scarcity is...who don't care a bit about people like me..My eyes followed the happily swaying bodies in the room.
The guilt started creeping up my mind.
What was I thinking ? Wanting to come to this party full of rich people whose most important concern would be that they got an Audi instead of their dream car Lamborghini on their eighteenth birthday...
"Abhi to party shuru hui hai.."
Everyone cheered as new song started playing up.
Maybe you are overthinking things..
Not everyone is same.
Stop judging people , Meera !
Think about Mohak and Aarav.
They are rich but still very nice !
You have come to the party for your friends.
I am here for a good cause ! not because I wanted to attend a lavish party but I am here for my friends..
I started feeling better as this thought came.
Happily I gulped the last drop of my coca cola and burped. Yeah , I burped...

Putting my plastic cup on a nearby table , I once again looked up at the hundred or so people dancing merrily in the big hall to a very loud music blaring through the speakers of the music system. It was starting to give me a headache.
I sank further into the soft sofa and tried to locate my friends.
"breakup song darde dil ki feelings strong..."
the songs continued.
I spotted Soniya , in her gorgeous red kurti with small white flowers on top , dancing to the rhythm of song with a smile on her face like she didn't care about anything else ; her curls bouncing as she danced.

ust say , she dances really well !
And I was certainly not the only one thinking like this , if you consider the number of admiring stares she was getting , lots of them from boys..
Some of them who were standing close to her were looking rather creepily...
I had a sudden urge to go and knock some sense in them once and for all , but as my eyes looked to side , I realized someone was already doing my job...
Aarav who was dancing , or should I say , rather bouncing to the music surrounded by a group of cheerful girls , was also busy glaring at those creepy boys and was trying hard to dance at a close distance from Soniya so that they remain under his scrutiny..Seeing that the host was glaring at them , the creepy boys dispersed faster than the school children after ringing of last bell of school.
My heart warmed at his protectiveness towards friends. I don't regret coming to this party even if it means sipping coca cola at a corner with a headache giving music , if I have such nice friends...
Not far away from them , I spotted Mohak who was dancing and laughing with some of his other friends.He was easily noticeable from the crowd due to his tall and Charming persona. I stared at him happily for some seconds...
Until a girl in a body hugging black dress made her way near Mohak and started dancing rather close to him. I frowned at that intruder.
He smiled at her but moved to his right side away from her. An involuntary smile broke on my face and at that moment , Mohak made eye contact with me. I blushed having caught staring at him . But either he didn't notice or he ignored it and motioned with his both hands for me to come and dance , smiling.
I shook my head and put my right hand in a motion to say carry on and mouthed 'I am good.'
But he slowly started making his way to me. My heart started beating faster.

A/N :-
Hello my dear wattpadians:)
How are you all?
I enjoyed a lot writing this chapter.
Please show your support by votes , comments and sharing my story.
It will surely be very appreciated :)
Yours truly,

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