Chapter 1

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"Excuse me , miss. You cannot go inside unless you show your identity card."
I stared at the muscular security guard in a sky blue coloured shirt and navy blue trousers.

"Hold on for a second " I told him rummaging through my simple black backpack.
I handed him the i- card, which he observed for a second .
Giving it back to me, he said , " You may go inside , miss."
Quickly, he went to open the big , black coloured metal gates of my new college - the prestigious ' Saint Teressa college of Humanities'
My heart rate quickened with anticipation as I took in my surroundings after heading inside the gates.
Students were seen everywhere in the campus - talking animatedly to each other , laughing, shouting greetings to each others...all in very expensive looking clothes.
I wondered how could they all look so impeccably perfect on this sweaty Monday morning...that too , in Mumbai!
Brushing back a few loose strands of hair falling on my face , I looked down at my attire.
It was an aqua blue coloured kurti, which I paired with white leggings. It looked decent enough when I put it on at home . But now , I wasn't so sure .
The kurti was wrinkled at the bottom.. plus there was a tiny dirt spot on my white leggings.It may not seem much but surrounded by this perfectly clothed people I felt a bit self conscious.
In the rush of catching the local train and walking through the ocean of people - each hurrying to reach their own destination as early as possible -you really can't expect perfection of your clothes ...thinking this , I sighed.
As I walked towards the main building of my college , I noticed that people were throwing curious glances at me.

They must be wondering , 'who is this poor creature in our oh so perfect world of richness and abundance ', I thought to myself , as my sandles marched on the smooth and broad roads of the campus .
Yes, I forgot to mention, overthinking what others think of me was my favourite hobby !
Deciding to concentrate on my surroundings, I looked around . On either sides of the road , I could see the neatly maintained shrubs with beautiful flowers in various colours .It was no surprise that everything in this institute was well maintained and perfect.
But I couldn't waste my time gazing at flowers. I had to catch for my first period. I quickened my pace . Now , I would just have to cross the parking lot and I would reach the main building for my first lesson .
Even though this was my first day of college, I knew my way around . I had came here earlier . At the time of taking admission. At that time , I memorised my way through this big institute . So finding the class was not gonna be a problem. But still , I was nervous.
I still remember the day when I came to know that I was accepted here - at 'the Saint Teressa college of Humanities ' - for BA sociology course. I knew that I would be accepted by a good college , owing to my good grades , but still I felt giddy with happiness as this news came to me. It was sort of dream come true moment !
It definitely feels good to know that your efforts have paid well.
My parents were very proud of me . It may not seem a very proudworthy moment to others, but to my parents, it was. They both were non- graduates . My father is 12th standard pass and mother is 10 th standard pass . It was not like that they were uninterested in education or were not good in studies , in fact , as far as I know, they were good students .But their financial obligations made them stop their studies. Now , they look at my success as their own dream of education coming true . This made me all the more happy.
I don't want to brag or anything , but getting admission in this college is not a cake walk. It is one of the most prestigious colleges for Humanities in India . To be a student here , you either have to be exceedingly rich or very good at academics. My case , not hard for you to guess, was the latter.
I was a scholarship student here , one of the very few .
Every year , many capable lawyers , economists , talented artists would graduate from this institute. I would also be one of them , A lawyer... Thinking this , I felt very excited.
Today , as I was heading out of my home to come here , my mother placed few drops of curd mixed with sugar on my right hand , for me to eat- as a good omen. As I was eating it , she smiled at me and said , " this day is all due to the grace of the Almighty and your efforts . Study hard and be happy and confident , Beta. The God is always with you. So do not fear anything. You will always succeed . " I nodded smiling at her and touched her feet. Then I turned to my father and touched his feet. He patted my head and told me ," sukhi raho ,Beta( be happy always dear. ) This is just a beginning. You have a long way to go to become a good lawyer and give justice to the needy people. This college is a new chapter to your life . Use this opportunity well. We are proud of you."
" Will you just go now . Sure , you don't want to be late for your first day of college, right? That way, I could also go to play cricket . Sonu said if I don't come early , he will give the batting to other guys ." Mihir , my younger brother said to me, impatiently. I rolled my eyes.
" Mihir ! Don't talk to your Didi ( elder sister ) like this !Touch her feet and say proper goodbye . Then you can go to play , but only for 2 hours, Not more. Do you understand that? Your exams are coming up . I don't want you to slack." Mummy glared at him. " Yes, mummy."
Reluctantly , my brother, who is in 5th grade by the way , bent to touch my feet. After blessing him , I lowered to his level and said , "If you obeyed mummy like a good boy , I will give you a big chocolate. What would you like - a five star or a dairy milk chocolate ? " hearing this , his sad face suddenly lit up. Quickly kissing me on cheek , he gave me a puppy face and said , " Can you bring both , please ? "
Laughing , I told him ," Only if you listen to mummy. I don't want to hear any more complaints about you."
" As you say , Didi. " telling me this , he waved a bye and ran away to play .
He is a brat but an adorable one . I love him a lot. In fact , I love all of them a lot. My family is simple and sweet . And emotional too. Even thinking about them brought an involuntary smile to my face .
Yes ! I will make them proud. My family is my everything. So what ,if I am poorer than my fellow colleagues. I have every chance of full filling my dream of becoming a successful lawyer . I just have to be confident and hardworking . You can do it Meera! You can do it!
jutting my chin out, I now started walking with newfound confidence .
Sudden laughter on my left pulled me out of my thoughts . I glanced at the direction of sound. On my left side , in the parking lot , two boys and one girl were leaning against a very expensive looking black car - whose brand I guess - was Bugatti.
Yeah , I liked looking at photoes of expensive cars , even though I couldn't afford them. So I knew pretty much all the brands . Bugatti was my favourite one.
One of the two boys was laughing and the other boy was looking at him amused . The girl looked bored standing next to the second boy - her head leaning against his shoulder. All the three were , not surprisingly, very well dressed and I couldn't help but notice that all were very good looking too. Especially the boy , whose laughter caught my attention. He had Jet black hair . They were perfectly styled , perhaps with a gel. He was wearing a plane white T - shirt covered by a brown leather jacket, paired with black clean jeans and white shoes.
He was indeed looking gorgeous with his sharp nose , pale complexion and tall frame.His nice dimples were showing as he laughed. Mesmerised by the sight , I just stood rooted there.
I didn't even realise that I stopped walking about 5 minutes ago to gawk at them like a creep until I felt the laughing boy's sharp gaze fall on me. He stopped laughing and stared at me .
For some unknown reason , my breath caught in my throat. We stared at each other for some time . Yeah , foolish me ,couldn't tear my gaze away from him .
Then he did the unexpected.
He gave me a beautiful ,radiant smile and waved a 'hi 'at me with his fingers .

Author's note - Hello my dear friends !! This is my first story on wattpad . I would love to hear your comments , suggestions and ofcourse praise 😘
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Waiting eagerly for your views , comments and votes 😊
I will post the next chapter soon☺
Yours truly

You , Me and Our Dreams ( On Hold )Where stories live. Discover now