Chapter 9

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Slowly reaching upto me , Mohak flashed a charming smile at me and mouthed the words "please , Meera "  as he tugged at my hands , to make me stand up from the sofa.
I was so distracted by my own thumping heart that I let him make me stand ...
but few seconds later I realized my mistake . I can dance as good as a fish can breath in air. Yeah , you got it right , not at all.
So I once again sat down on the plump sofa .
I wasn't going to make myself look foolish in front of him by trying my non existent dancing abilities.
I cannot dance to save my life !
That's why I declined the continuous requests by Soniya to dance , even risking her wrath!
I shook my head smiling at him and mouthed 'no' in the background of deafening music.
There was no way I was accepting the dance offer in the moment of weakness however tempting it may seem..
He sighed and looked at the dancing people in the hall and then back at me. He was thinking something but
all I could think was how he hadn't let go of my hands ...
Unexpected to me , he again pulled me up from sofa making me stand in a swift movement.
Oh boy , he is strong !
" Mohak , I can't.." I tried telling him over the music but he just put his index finger on his lips as a gesture telling me to stop talking.
I stopped talking and looked at him confused.
He just smiled at me and mouthed ,
" follow me"
Saying this he turned and started making his way among the dancing people.
I just stood there for a second processing what he said , my heart still thumping like a maniac on a roll.
Sensing that I was not following him , he stopped walking and glanced back at me questioningly.
I blinked and started walking to catch up with him.
Where were we going?
I tailed behind Mohak as he exited the hall and two other rooms , the sound of the party music going more and more feeble as we went ahead.
" Tell me Mohak , where are we going?"
I don't know why , but I was feeling really scared now.
Don't get me wrong , I trust him...
but I am not fond of big creepy rooms with not a soul to be seen .
He didn't answer but kept on walking through more rooms .
So I again tried , " Mohak? "
" Don't distract me , meera !
I am thinking of a nice place to kill you."
He said with a backward glance at me. He was smirking , his eyes holding an unknown glint...
I have never seen him smirk before.
I stopped walking and stared at him in disbelief.
" You are joking , right ? " I asked him laughing nervously.
He too stopped walking.
"Do I look like joking to you? "  he replied now turning fully to me , his expressions all serious.
I had never seen such  straight line on his lips. He was freaking me out now !
"Mohak , stop it ! I am really scare.."I started talking , my voice rising involuntary. Just then , corners of  his mouth started twitching and he spilled a big laughter , his broad shoulders shaking with his laughter.
I just stared at him  my mouth hanging open in disbelief.
" You should have seen the expressions on your face !"
He was talking in between the bouts of laughter clutching his stomach .
I frowned at him and punched him on his right arm.
" Ouch !" He stopped laughing and started rubbing his arm with other hand. " That hurts !"
" Serves you right ! Now tell me for real where are we going ?"
" Just there  " , he said smiling innocently and twisted brass doorknob of a room . The room was just like any other we passed , big and heavily decorated . I could see a big window occupying the whole wall on my right side.
Mohak slided the door of that glass window open and climbed out.
I followed his suit , feeling curious and confused at the same time.
Cool wind gently caressed my face as my bare feet landed on the wet plush grass.
I instantly felt peaceful and happy , which that music blaring human packed hall couldn't achieve..
We were in some part of the garden.
" Seriously Mohak ? We couldn't have come from outside ? " I asked him crossing my arms on my chest.
" then I wouldn't have gotten the chance to scare you. Looks like I can be a great actor , seeing that you so easily believed my threat ." Mohak said with his  usual cute smile , his eyes glinting in mischievousness.
Sure , you can be with the great looks you have !  I thought.
" Oh please ! You weren't that great.. I knew that you were acting...I just pretended to be afraid ..just , just  to make you feel better !" I mock - laughed.
I knew that wasn't true , but he didn't need to know it..I honestly didn't expect that prank from him !
" Sure , you weren't afraid. I can totally believe it . " He said , right corner of his mouth twitching.
I also started smiling forgetting to be mad at him.
You may think that I would have gotten used to his smiles by now. But no !
I was as affected by his smiles as crazy fangirls would be after seeing their favourite popstar smile at them..
Is it weird that within just two days of knowing him , I got a major crush on him ? I don't know. But I can't help it ! He is the most polite and nicest person I have ever met. He stood up for me when Vivaan was insulting me. What more a girl could ask for in a crush ? Right?
Not to forget his good looks , which surely acted as bonus points...
How was I supposed to remain angry at that cute smile of his ?
Finally waking from my thoughts , I looked at the scene in front of me.I could see a tulip garden with red , pink ,yellow ,white , you name it , coloured tulip flowers  on my right side on a small patch of ground. The flowers were shining in the bright lights of the lampposts erected every ten metres or so in the background of a starry night. Overall it was looking beautiful ,  like an artist may get inspiration to draw it kind of beautiful !
First the roses and now this tulips , I guess , Aarav's family seriously  loves flowers...
Beyond that small patch of tulips , I could see numerous big trees ,  I couldn't tell which trees  due to the darkness , but it looked like a mini forest.. It had a small trail leading inside.
Forest in the house garden
Rich people and their lifestyle...
Seeing that I was looking at that mini forest , Mohak started speaking ,
" Aarav and me used to play hide and seek there , when we were kids.." He laughed slightly. " Whenever our parents used to tell us kids to go to play , we would come here..This was one of our favourite places."
I looked at Mohak . He was looking fondly at that mini forest.
He was a rich boy , but his fond memories of childhood were not something like expensive toys , branded clothes , big birthday parties with celebrities invited...
Within that outer wealthy exterior , he was just like any other sensitive person who liked simple things ..He was emotional.I guess that made me like him as my crush in the first place..
I smiled thinking of him as a child.
He must be an adorable kid back then.
" Why are you smiling ? " he asked.
" Nothing ." I replied smiling more.
He raised  his right eyebrow at me questioningly.
Funny , I can never raise one eyebrow...
"I was just thinking about you as kid , what were you like?"
" I was chubby as a kid if you must know " , he said laughing and looked somewhat embarrassed , his cheeks turning slightly red.
I don't know why , but my heart melted seeing him like this...
"Chubby and cute ." I said pinching his cheeks , even before I realised what was I doing.
Oh My God ! I think I am losing my mind!! What was I thinking..He must think that I am a weirdo now !
Without meeting his eyes , I quickly retracted my hands and dropped them to my side , looking at my sandals the entire time.
I could feel the colour rising in my cheeks .
He cleared his throat but said nothing.
Nobody spoke for some seconds.
The silence was becoming awkward now..
So I reluctantly looked up at him and just to break the silence asked ,
" So , um.. Aarav's and your parents are friends too? "  He seemed relieved when I started talking .
" Yes ." He answered  looking somewhat sad. I couldn't understand why. But he quickly nudged me to show me something on my left.
" Do you see the swings there ?"
I could see two rusty looking swings some distance away in the garden swaying slightly due to the wind.
" Yes , wh.." Not allowing me to even finish my sentence , he immediately said ,
" Let's race who could reach them first." I rolled my eyes .
" Honestly Mohak , are you five y.."
But he started running .
"Hey wait ", I shouted and started running behind him barefoot on the tickling grass , grinning in spite of myself.

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Yours truly ,

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