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J: why would I do that ?
E: leave me the fuck alone, you don't know what people are dealing with and what people might do cause of your stupidity asshole, so fuck off and suck a dick...
J: *whispers* you may have told me off today little slut but I'll be back tomorrow and the next day and the next day, I'll make sure to make your life a living hell.
E: already is
J: *pushes her into her locker*
E: *tears up in pain*
J: *walks away laughing*
T: *walks over to her* you can't let him keep doing this to you.
E: it's not like I can stop him
T: you just need to stand your ground and show him that your strong, if not it's going to be like dating Blake (her abusive ex boyfriend) all over again, but without that dating and the you know...
E: don't even say it
T: r...
E: shut up !
T: ok sorry
??- excuse me can you help me find room 302?
T&E: yah sure, are you new?
??- yah
T&E: cool, what's your name ?
??- Alissa
T: let me see your schedule
A: ok *hands her, her schedule*
T: ok cool all 3 of us have the same classes together
A: cool
E: you can just follow us around and you won't get lost or dragged into the wrong crowd if you know what I mean
A: bullies ? Druggies ?
E: yep
T: well let's head to class before we're late
**Skip to lunch**
E: so have you seen any guys or girls that have caught your eye ?
A: guys, and yah there's this one
T: well who is he ?
A: his name is Jake
*Tessa and Erika look at each other*
A: is there something wrong with him?
T&E: yah *say at the same time*
A: what ?
T: he's a complete ass and he bullies people
A: what, no he doesn't seem like that, he seems really nice
T: he's only doing it to get in your pants
A: get in my what ?
T: he wants to fuck you, that's the only reason why he's being nice
A: I find that hard to believe, no guy has ever wanted me
T: well that's what he wants, and that's what he gets
A: he's not getting me
T: let's keep it that way, it's for your own good
E: *sitting there with her face turning blood red*
A: umm... Erika are you ok ?
E: oh uhh yah I'm fine
T: *scoffs*
E: shut up Tess
T: fine
A: you two are like bestie goals
T&E: thanks 16 years strong
A: damn, 16 years that's a long time
T: yah a long time for me to have to listen to her go on and on about goats
E: shut up I love goats
T: your obsessed with goats
E: yah and is that a problem?
T: no
E: ok then, shut it
T: yes ma'am
*they all laugh, then jake comes over*
J: hey Alissa, hey Tessa, hey slut
A: hi Jakey *flirty voice*
E: *rolls her eyes*
J: I'm having a party tonight *hands her and Tessa an invitation*
T: what about Erika
J: what about her, she didn't get an invite so she's not aloud to come
T: I'm sure you have an extra in there
J: nope, sorry
T: *takes her invitation and rips it in half and gives part of it to Erika* ok now she has an invite
J: seriously
T: yep
J: whatever see you girls and the slut there
A: Jakey be nice
J:*kisses Alissa*
A: *blushes* what was that for ?
J: just a little preview of what's going to happen tonight
A: ok *flirty voice*
*Jake leaves*
E: *playing with her food in anger*
T: calm down *whispers to her*
E: I can't when I love him *whispers back*
T: I know pickle, just let it roll off *whispers*
E: ughhh fine *says out loud*
A: you ok Erika ?
E: yah, I'm perfect *says sarcastically*
A: did I do something wrong ?
E: y-
T: no, not a thing
A: umm.... ok

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