Cake - Z.H

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I looked at the back of the cake box, scanning over what I had to do. I turned on the oven as it said and got out all of my ingredients. Before I could put anything in the bowl, Zach walked in and stood behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I smiled and turned around to face him, giving him a quick kiss. "What're you doing?" Zach asked, looking at everything I had out. "I'm making a cake. You wanna help?" I asked and went back to everything on the counter. "Only If I can eat all the left over cake batter" Zach said, a smile plastered on his face. "Of course you can" I smiled.

Zach 'helped' me make the cake but it was more like dipping his finger in the batter and eating it or putting it on me. "Zach" I whined as he put cake batter on my nose. "What?" He laughed, looking at me. I rolled my eyes and wiped off the cake batter. After a few more minutes we finished the making the cake and put it in the oven. "How long till it finishes? I'm hungry" Zach said, watching the cake in the oven. "An hour" I replied and grabbed my phone, going to sit down on the couch.

Zach followed me to the couch and sat down, quickly grabbing my waist and pulling me down beside him. I threw my legs over Zachs lap and scrolled through Instagram. "I'm not gonna sit here for an hour and watch you scroll through instagram" Zach said, looking at me. "Then go get your own phone" I said and Zach shook his head. "Too lazy" he replied simply and I rolled my eyes. After a few minutes Zach started poking me and being annoying. "Zach stop it" I smiled as Zach continued to poke my sides. I went onto twitter to tweet something;

Youruser: I'm being harassed. Zachs annoying. send help

I pressed on the tweet button and it posted. People started replying with a range of different things but most of them tagged Zach, telling him to stop annoying me. I smiled and showed Zach my phone as he read the comments. He grabbed my phone out of my hands and tweeted something off my account.

Youruser: no I'm not, she's lying - Zach

He handed me back my phone and I laughed as I read the replies. Zach grabbed my phone once more but went out of twitter and onto YouTube. I watched him confused until he pressed on something that I couldn't see and handed me back my phone. A 30 minute vine compilation was playing. I rolled my eyes but moved position so Zach could see as well.

An hour passed and the oven dinged, telling us the cake was ready. I got off Zach and walked into the kitchen, grabbing oven mittens to get the cake out. I opened the oven, letting all the steam come out first and then grabbed the cake, putting it somewhere it wouldn't melt the counter. "We gotta let it cool for a few minutes and then we can put on the icing ok?" I said and turned around to Zach and he nodded.

We used up the time by watching more vines until finally the cake had cooled. "It is ready yet?" Zach asked for the 5th time. "Probably" I said and got up, walking into the kitchen. "Yeah it's good now" I said and Zach smiled, grabbing out all of the icing and cake decorations I didn't know we had. He put them on the counter and I put the cake on a plate to ice. I made the icing and I started to put the icing on the cake but Zach put some on my cheek. "Please don't do this again" I said, looking over at Zach who was smiling like an idiot and put some more on my nose making him laugh. "Hilarious" I said sarcastically and continued to pour the icing onto the cake. "Babe you look adorable" Zach said between laughs as I rolled my eyes but smiled.

Every time Zach put icing on me I put some on him and soon enough it became a mini war. "Zach!" I laughed as he flicked icing at me. "What?" He asked innocently as I put icing on his lips. Zach looked at me and pulled me closer, connecting our lips. I pulled away and licked my lips that had icing on them from Zachs lips. I quickly kissed him again as he started laughing. "What? Your lips taste like icing" I smiled. Zach put his finger in the icing and put more on his lips as I looked at him. "I'm not gonna kiss you now because you want me too" I said and went back to decorating the cake. Zach smiled, wiping all the icing off his lips and helping me decorate the cake again.

After a while of more mini icing wars and Zach forcing me to kiss him to get icing off his lips, we finally finished decorating it. "Done!" I yelled and smiled as Zach laughed. "Well done, we did it" Zach smiled and pulled me in for another kiss. I pulled away, resting my head on Zachs shoulder and looked at all the little spots of icing and cake covering the counter and groaned. "What?" Zach asked, looking at me. "We've gotta clean up now" I said, taking my head off Zachs shoulder as he rolled his eyes. We both hated cleaning, however after 15 minuets everything was clean.

I cut 2 slices out of the cake and put them on plates for me and Zach. I walked over to Zach who was watching tv and sat down next to him, handing him a plate. Zach took a bite out of it and nodded his head. "This is good" Zach said with a mouthful of cake as I laughed. We finished eating the slices of cake and I put my head on Zachs shoulder watching the tv. "You know, that cake was good but yours is better" zach winked at me. "How long have you been wanting to say that?" I asked Zach, looking up at him as he smiled. "Since you said I could help" Zach smiled.

I made cakes with my friends the other day and they actually turned out to be good

Mia ✨

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