Bad for you - J.M pt 2

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It had been a week since y/n left and no one was handling it well. None of us were as happy as we were when y/n was around. Daniel and jacks room was a mess which was never good, Zach was quite, I was repeatedly being told that I was talking to much and Corbyn only left his room to gate food or if he was forced. We hadn't gone out in public since the day y/n left but we tried to be active on social media but some fans were picking up on everything.

No one could get in contact with y/n. She wasn't answering any texts or calls from anyone and she hadn't been active on social media since she left and I was starting to get worried.

"Jonah!" jack yelled, clapping his hands in front of my face. "Huh? What?" I asked, looking up at him. "You've been staring at the floor for the past ten minutes and I wanted to make sure you were still alive. You ok?" Jack asked, walking into the kitchen. "Yeah. Yeah I'm good. I'm just gonna go out. I'll be back in a while" I said as jack nodded. I grabbed my phone and walked out the door to my car.

I drove to the hiking trail we shot the nobody gotta know video from and also where I met y/n for the first time. I parked the car and got out. I definitely wasn't dressed to go hiking up here since I was in jeans but I went anyway. After almost half an hour I made it up to the lookout and sat on a chair, looking out over L.A.

I sat there and thought about everything until the sun had started setting and I couldn't walk back to my car in the dark. I stood up and started walking back down. Half way done the track I heard someone call my name. "Jonah!" I heard someone yell. I turned around to a teenage girl walking up to me. "Oh my god! I love you so much! I can't believe it's actually you!" One of them yelled. I laughed and pulled her in for a hug. "I love you too. How are you?" I asked and pulled away. "I'm good, especially now that I just met you. How are you?" She asked, smiling. "I'm great" I lied, trying to cover it with a smile. "Um, I hope you don't mind me asking but how are things with you and y/n? She hasn't been active for a week and she's not in any of your stories" the girl asked, worry clear in her voice. "No it's ok. I don't know honestly. She hasn't talked to me or any of the boys in a week. It's a long story" I said as the girls face dropped a little.

"Oh ok. Well I hope she's ok" the girl said, looking at me as I forced a little smile. "Hey you should probably get to your car. There's supposed to be a thunderstorm coming in the next hour" "there's a thunderstorm coming?" I asked her and she nodded. "Ok. Well I'll go back to my car. Are you gonna be ok?" I said and she nodded and smiled. "I'll be fine. I'm going up and coming down again. It won't take long p, don't worry" she smiled. "Ok good. It was nice meeting you" I said and hugged her again. "You too. Hopefully I'll see you on your next tour" she said. I smiled at her again and turned around walking back down the track.

I finally reached my car and got in, processing what the girl had said. There was a thunderstorm coming and y/n absolutely hated thunderstorms especially when she was alone. I started the engine and started driving to y/ns house.

Half way to her house it started to rain and it gradually got heavier and heavier. I watched the raindrops slide down my window as I waited for the traffic to move. It finally started moving and I got off the freeway as quickly as I could so I wouldn't get in more traffic even though this was the wrong exit to get off on. After a while of going what I thought was the right way I realised where I was and I was going the wrong way. I turned around and drove to y/ns house, the rain getting heavier and making it harder to see.

I finally turned into y/ns street and and drove to her house, pulling into the driveway. I got out of the car in the rain and ran up to her doorstep which was thankfully under a porch. I knocked on the door and waited but no one answered. I opened the door and it was unlocked which meant she was home. I walked inside and closed the door behind me.

"Y/n!" I yelled looking around the kitchen and living room for her. "Y/n!" I yelled again before realising she'd be in her room. I walked through the house to her room and knocked on the door before going in. I saw a lump under the covers of her bed and walked over to her. "Y/n" I said softly. The lump under the covers moved and y/ns head appeared. She looked at me and I could see the tears running down her face. Once she saw me, she jumped out of her bed and ran to me, wrapping her arms around me and crying into my chest and I held her close.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't ha-" y/n cried but cut her off, kissing her lips. "It's ok. I understand why you did" I said as y/n looked into my eyes. "You do?" She asked, wiping a tear. "Of course I do. I see the comments on our photos y/n. I just choose to ignore them and so should you. As long as we've got us nothing else matters" I said as y/n nodded, wiping more tears and putting her face back in my chest, shaking breaths leaving her lips.

A few minutes past and we were still standing in the middle of y/ns room in each other's arm, slowly rocking from side to side, listening to the rain pelt against the side of the house. There was the sound of thunder somewhere, quickly followed by lightning, lighting up the room. Y/n tensed in my arms and I kissed her head, reassuring her.

"Let's go home baby. It's been hell without you"

Ok so I really had no idea on what to write but I tried to go off some of what people had suggested so I hope this is good because I really don't know.


Mia ✨

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