Attention (Chapter 14)

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"I-i... I think I saw Haquah taking a wrench and smashing the spare car's fuel pipe line..." Tzuyu said as she whispered into my ear.

"W-WHAT?!" I exclaimed out.

I was furious. I couldn't control myself anymore and ran off to the next garage.

I was so ready to beat the living shit out of Haquah. A move I always wanted to do for almost 4 years.

"No!!" Tzuyu yelled out and grabbed hold off my wrist.

"Let go, babe! That little fucker needs to die!!" I growled.

"Babe! Don't! Listen to me!" Tzuyu said as she tugged on my arm.

"Kay. What is it?" I asked.

"Don't even confront him yet. Neither you should tell the team about this yet. I want to get evidence before we can accuse him. After all, without evidence, we can't frame him." Tzuyu said.

"Fine. Let's keep a close eye on our cars in secret tomorrow." I suggested.

"We should." Tzuyu agreed.


It's race day.

Me and Tzuyu got to the track a tad early while the team was still preparing the cars up for the big race.

"Oh! Fancy seeing you two here early!" One of the mechanics said.

I chuckled. "Oh, we just want to warm ourselves up before the race. You know, preparing ourselves physically and mentally."

"I see. Anyways, today should be a good day. The fuel lines have not been damaged. So race your hardest." The mechanic said.

"Noted with thanks." I said and sat down on a chair.

Tzuyu then sat down and looked at me.

"Babe. Haquah." Tzuyu pointed out with her lips.

"Damn. He's here early too..." I sneered.

Tzuyu rolled her eyes, clearing knowing Haquah's intentions on being in the garage early.

"Let's go to the back outside." Tzuyu suggested and I agreed.

We both went to the back part of the garage outside and stay out there to look out for Haquah.

I looked back secretly and noticed the whole team of mechanics were surrounding the manager's TVs outside at the front part of the garage.

They were watching Daniel Riccardo doing this last final practice rounds on the track as I knew they want to study Riccardo's new strategies.

"Babe... The team is not looking... Watch out for Haquah." I whispered.

Tzuyu flashed me an 'okay' sign with her fingers while keeping a watch.

That little death stare... So cute... Wait, I'm looking out for Haquah. Don't be distracted.

Then there he was, welding a wrench.

I am so tempted to punch the fuck out of him...

Haquah then squated down and took one hard swing on the fuel pipe line.

I whipped out my phone and took a video of him as he did his swing.

He went to the other car and swung his wrench on the fuel pipe line as well.

I zoomed my camera in and it managed to focus clearly on his dirty deed.

He then ran off and went back into hiding inside his own team's garage.

I stopped the video recording and growled angrily.

"That's it." I said with no control over myself anymore.

I stormed into the Red Bull's garage and saw Haquah sitting on a chair with a fake ass innocent look on his ugly bitch face.

"Haquah!!" I yelled out angrily.

"Babe!! Don't!!" Tzuyu called out to me.

I would usually listen to my girlfriend but I didn't listen this time. I was extremely angry with Haquah.

"What you want? Why are you shouting at me, my friend?" Haquah said as he flashed his innocent look.

"You know what you did! Why in the fuck are you sabotaging my car?!?!" I yelled at him.

The Red Bull mechanics then came up to me.

"Hey! Hey! Chill man! We can work this out!" One of the mechanics said.

I then lifted my clenched fist and punched Haquah hard in the face.

He fell to the ground while holding his affected area.

I hear everyone gasp at my rash move.

"Woah woah woah!! Chill will you!!" The mechanic held on me.

"Babe!! You didn't need to do that!!" Tzuyu held on to both of my arms.

Haquah coughed. "What did I ever do to you?! You're crazy!!" He yelled out.

"You fucking lying piece of bullshit!! Watch this and you know what you did!!!" I placed my phone on a table and played the video.

Everyone gathered around my phone. Even my team heard the commotion and joined in watching the video.

"Is that H-Haquah?!" One of the mechanics pointed out.

As the video played Haquah getting up to run, it clearly captured his side profile.

Everyone gasped when they realised it was Haquah.

"How you explain that, you little piece of shit?!?! Why did you have to sabotage me and Tzuyu's cars?! You're the one who caused all the random cases of our engines exploding and putting me and my girlfriend in danger from the fires!!" I yelled at Haquah.

"Haquah?! You caused their fire cases?!?!" Red Bull's team manager asked in disbelief.

Haquah just stayed quiet.

"Wowwww!! You don't deserve to be wearing that fucking racing uniform!" One mechanic yelled.

"I'm gonna get F1 overseer to come down and terminate your contract personally." The Red Bull's manager snarled as he pointed his pointer finger directly at Haquah.

Shortly after, the 2018 F1 overseer indeed came to see Haquah.

News managed to spread within the many ground F1 reporters and they all crowded around the Red Bull garage to capture the moment.

"Haquah. I'm extremely disappointed by your act of neglect. You sabotaged your fellow team just to get your team on the higher level. Say bye to your contract. The police will be here to arrest you for your dangerous sabotage act." The F1 overseer said and walked away.

Another few minutes later, the police arrived and arrested Haquah and took him away.

All the ground F1 reporters crowded around them and snapped their cameras away at him.

"Having fun sucking dick in jail, fatty!" I yelled out to Haquah.

"Wow." Tzuyu simply said as she watched the police car drive away.

"Finally. I got that piece of shit gone." I muttered.

"Well... I guess we can finally focus on winning!" Tzuyu said with excitement in her voice.

But then, the F1 overseer came up to me.

"Y/N. That was totally unacceptable that you pinched a person. I understand you are angry with him but that was totally unnecessary. I'm taking you out for the rest of the whole season for you to regain your composure."

"Wait w-what?"

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