Crying Skies

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Tord was sitting on the stairs by the hospital entrance. About an hour earlier, he'd been sitting in an alley with his two comrades bleeding all over him and the concrete. Now, they were in the hospital in critical condition. Tord had been released about ten minutes after being brought in. They bandaged his cheek and gave him his suitcase so he could change out of his blood-stained clothes.
Now he was sitting on the hospital stairs in his black hoodie and jeans, trying to figure out where to go. Pat and Pau had all of their money in their suitcases, which the hospital staff wouldn't let Tord near. He had a bit of pocket change, but it was barely enough to pay for a cab. "Hmm... I can pay for one cab ride. But where is there for me to go? The base isn't ours anymore, I can't pay for a hotel, and I'm not going to live on the streets." He said to himself.
It started raining, dampening his hoodie and his suitcase. Tord frantically unzipped the suitcase and pulled out the photos before the rain could get into his worn suitcase and make the colors bleed. He tucked his shirt in and stuffed the photos into his shirt so that they wouldn't get wet. He paused for a moment, looking at one of the photos. It was a picture of him and his oldest friend in front of their old house.
He ran his finger over the glossy surface. "Edd...." he said softly, his voice filled with remorse. He put the picture inside his shirt and put his hood up. If he remembered correctly, Eduardo and Mark had rebuilt the old house as a gift for Edd. Now Tord had somewhere to go.
He pulled his phone out of his hoodie pocket and called for a cab. A moment later, the cab arrived. Tord put his luggage in the backseat before climbing in next to it. He gave the driver the address, and they drove off. By the time they arrived at the house, it was raining harder.
Tord gave the driver the last of his money, grabbed his luggage, and raced up to the front door. He rang the doorbell frantically. "Open up!" He called. The door opened, and Tom looked at him. His black eyes widened. "Tord?" "Hello Thomas. Um... is Edd home by any chance?" Tord asked.
Tom frowned. "Why, so you can try to kill him?" He asked sarcastically. "N-no! I don't want to kill him! I need his help!" Tord said. Tom scoffed. "You expect him to help you after everything you've done? Get lost, commie." He said, starting to close the door.
Tord stopped the door from closing, grabbing it with his bionic arm at the last second. "Tom, please! Please, I... I don't have anywhere else to go!" He said, his eyes filling with tears. Tom opened up the door again. "Just go to a hotel or something instead of trying to ruin our lives again." He said, looking at Tord's hand. "I can't. I used up the last of my money paying for the cab that got me here. Thomas please...." Tord begged.
"Give me one reason why I should let the traitor who ruined my life, and my friends' lives into our house again." "Because... because..." Tord broke, tears running down his face. "BECAUSE I'M SCARED! I'M SCARED OF BEING ALONE, I'M SCARED OF LOSING MYSELF, AND I'M SCARED OF LOSING THE PEOPLE I USED TO CALL FRIENDS! I'm scared, Thomas. I just want to be somewhere where I'm not constantly scared of dying." He said.
His shirt had come almost completely untucked without his knowledge, and the photos were dangerously close to falling onto the wet pavement. Tom blinked in surprise. He'd never seen Tord cry. Tom stepped back slightly, making room for Tord to step inside the house. "Come inside. Just don't make me regret this." He said.
Tord smiled thankfully, wiping his eyes. He grabbed his suitcase and stepped inside.

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