The battle of Lunchtown- 2018

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The bells rung once again, calling you out to the hallways. You had just finished second period- geography-, and you and your friends head towards the cafeteria. The bustle and screaming was not new, nor welcome. Wincing at the noise, you and the rest of the gang, (minus Olivia A, who had gone to get a donut,) snatch seats at the very back of the cafeteria. Sighing, you and the rest of your friends flop down, while Ash and Charlotte decide to lay/sit on the table itself. This (non-existent) peace is ruined when a shadow looms over the group. You freeze. Olivia and lara, who were sitting opposite to you, rise out of their seats, and Ash slides off the table slowly and wriggles next to Samara, who is on your right, next to the wall.

You turn in your seat to see the FAKEST BASIC BITCH EVER leaning over the table

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You turn in your seat to see the FAKEST BASIC BITCH EVER leaning over the table. You sigh, already used to these experiences. Samara leans over Ash and stage-whispers,
"That's Kayla Price. She likes to think she can run the school, but she really doesn't. Her Dad's a big donator and runs Price's, the big corporate firm. It's the only reason she's here really." Samara is cut off by the person mentioned, as she places an perfectly manicured (rat claw) hand on Charlotte's shoulder.

 "Oh no

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"Oh no... oh hell no... she went there." You turn to Ash, curious as to why she would be reacting that badly.
You don't think you would ever see anything quite like this encounter again.
Charlotte turned slowly, that movement so precise you knew she was motherfucking furious. Apparently this was a normal thing, maybe?
Everyone went silent.
"So, bitch, I told you to leave us alone. Did you max out daddy's card buying products you know will only make you shittier?"
A pause.
The atmosphere was loaded. You could cut the tension with a knife. Amid this, Kayla replies.
"Listen up, shorty. Your insults are reaching, just like your arms. Look at this, you're on a table, and can't even reach my eyes!"
"Uh-huh, keep making insults about my height, but listen up."
Charlotte pulled her face in further towards her, their noses almost touching. She continued in a low tone, still loud enough for everyone to hear, however.
"If a flea from your ugly-ass head jumped from the top of mine onto your IQ, it would be dead on impact. Don't talk to me about height. Everyone here knows that your ego is the largest thing here."
Kayla gapes, her mouth opening and closing like a fish.
"Close your mouth, you're gonna lower the IQ of the whole school. Piss off."

"Holy motherfucking shit what the HeLL WAs THat! I ThOuGHt We WeRE GOnNa DiEeeeeEeEeeE!!!!" Oh. Okay, Olivia's back, potty mouth in tow. You sigh, and clap slowly for Charlotte. The bell rings, leaving you with no time to process what the hell just happened. You pull up your timetable, checking the day.

 You pull up your timetable, checking the day

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Science and art. Shit.

" Welp, let's go. Bye!"

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