This story chronicles your experiences in the bustling city of Hawking, New Oxford. With an amazing squad of best friends, these are gonna be the best days of your life.
A/N it's raining so hard as I write this, it's like the worst rain since 1998 or smth. So, INSPIRATION!
You push through the throng of chattering students and to the storm outside. The rain pounded against the footpath, soaking your bag and hair, sending water through the soles of your shoes.
"Ugh, really?" you groaned. Turning to your left, you see the doors of the hall, light spilling out. And next to them? The rest of your friends. Okay, maybe you're overreacting a little but hey, your socks are wet.
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{excuse the unneatness, I did this in a bit of a rush lol.} Waving, you sprint like a madman through the pouring water and skid to a stop next to them, thumping your head on the brickwork. "That bad, huh?" Ash was leaning in the corner, the driest part of the overhang. "There's water. In. My. S O C K S. They're draining my soul through my soles. I'm gonna die." "Uh, yeah guys, sorry to interrupt, but the bus is here." Samara had finished shoving her books into her bag and was straightening up, ready to run. She was right. the bus had pulled up to the curb and was idling as students piled in.
"we need to run. If we don't make it, we have to catch a public bus, and those are nasty when it's raining."
"Lara, the bus is leaving."
"Oh shit."
Olivia was right. The bus had pulled away from the path and roared out into the traffic. Nobody had noticed it in the chaos. Pulling out your phone, you realise that the public bus was due in 4 minutes, a block away.
It was a mad sprint through traffic, rain and people, but you eventually made it to the bus stop. Samara had leaped onto the bus, slamming down her Opal card, quickly followed by Lara, Ash and yourself. Olivia was the last to get on, swearing herself blue and actually getting a warning from the driver. Catching your breath, you slumped into the backseat.
Before you knew it, the bus was halfway down the Main Street and all your friends had gotten off before. It stopped in front of a kebab shop and a person wearing black track pants, and a grey hoodie stepped on. The cowl covered their eyes and a surgical mask hid the rest of their face. What really set off alarm bells, however, was the backpack. it was stuffed full and you could see the outline of- holy shit. was that a gun?
Subtly, you shifted so that your phone was in your hand better, and eyed all the exits. you did not want to be shot. Internally, you were panicking.