This story chronicles your experiences in the bustling city of Hawking, New Oxford. With an amazing squad of best friends, these are gonna be the best days of your life.
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Art was always the dullest class, you thought. All you did was colour theory, after colour theory, after... SHADING STYLES! 'No Mrs. Greygiver, we definitely haven't seen these slides before!'
But still, you flicked from slide to slide to slide...
The other girls were lucky. Having finished the theory work, they had moved onto 'practical application'. Samara and Charlotte were at the front table, miles away from you and Olivia, who was completely and utterly focused... on the Netflix she had downloaded. She was dead to the world, and the poor soul that had to revive her, well. They'd have to be scraped out of the brickwork. Kayla and company had taken up residence at the table closest to the front desk, leaving you hidden at the back of the classroom. Still, you could make the most of it. Shifting back in your chair, you slid your laptop in front of you, and quickly pulled up messages.
Insertmemehere has added Samwantstodie, LegendarySchuyler, Laraislara, Catchemall, KICKme, and Davidend to the chat.
Insertmemehere named the chat "We're all dead inside"
Samwantstodie: Dude wtf? Yo we're IN CLASS
Insertmemehere: So? This is boring asf Besidess, we need a groupchat to keep us organised theres so many of us lol
KICKme: Yo waht tf U interrupted voltron Im starting s7 now
Catchemall: I came as soon as i heard vld I cant believe its ending!!1 Gfiwrtvyhbgrk
LegendarySchuyler: AAAAHJVFHG Ikr!! Dude im gonna cry soooooomuchhtgjrlfd We should all meet up or smthn
Davidend: Can yall shut up plss Im trying to woarkk
Laraislara: Woarkk
Catchemall: Woarkk
LegendarySchuyler: Woarkk
Samwantstodie: Woarkk
Insertmemehere: Woarkk
KICKme: Woarkk
Davidend: Stfu yall Bye im gonna ACTUALLY DO SCHOOLWORK
Sighing, you click off the app and open up the slideshow. Maybe there's like, a secret code or something in there that will show you how to shade perfectly, wow the teacher, and force you to drop art all together, getting a full ride scholarship through uni or something like that. You can always dream.
Time Skip- 20 minutes of boring classwork later-
You're almost in a coma when the bell rings, nearly killing Kayla, who was applying mascara for the 48th time this lesson. (You counted, sadly.) you nearly fall off your stool , knocking down the paint tub and splashing it all over the floor. Cursing, you scoop it all back into the pot, and chuck it all into the bin. Samara walks past, a shit-eating grin plastered over her face. "Spill the tea, sis!" "Gee, fucking thanks! It's not like I nearly ruined the wood floor or anything.." "Yeeaah, let's yeet."
You rush out of the classroom, leaving Charlotte to butter up Mrs Greygiver. So that's how she gets high marks.
Two minutes later, she's bolting towards her locker, and silently screaming as she sees the time. "Shit fuck shit FUCKK!" "Uh, are you okay?" You're concerned. Charlotte may be overdramatic, but she looks... very stressed. "Nope i have to go really quickly i have to catch the train home cos its on the other side of the city but it leaves in twelvenoeleven minutes and the bus betternotbeFUCKINGLATEAAJIAHDI" " the fuck did you make that noise with your mouth?" "IDONTFUCKINGKNOWBYEE!" The sound of her voice fades away a she sprints down the hall, travel card in hand. She joins two other girls, and together they leap through the pouring rain, onto the bus and slump against the doors, giggling.
God, you're glad today's over.
(Author's note. Here are the locker arrangements)
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