Chapter 11.

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A/N: This chapter contains a lot of crying from the main character and lots of drama.

Cassandra's POV

"Woah woah woah! This guy? He's not even that handsome" Justin yells, getting closer to The Boyfriend to intimidate him.

This just got real!! I mean how long has this been going on for?

We are her best friends she should have told us from the start. We would have been jumping and squealing every time she mentioned him but she didn't and that's upsetting.

I know I know. We should be reasonable but still. It's not right.

"I can't believe this! You kept him as a secret for how long?"

"5 months?" she says. Nervousness showing in her eyes.

"Wow this is ridiculous sis. Can he leave so we can talk." Justin demands.

"Dude! Please I really like her. We are---"

"Keep it! Marnie you're leaving! I'm going home. Bye" I state leaving no room for an argument.

"No wait please guys! Give him a chance! I'm really sorry please" Char starts to sob uncontrollably.

Marnie starts to cry too but apologizes and leaves the house.
Justin goes to the living room to wait for Char and the boyfriend.

I mean I'm pretty mad but I love her and want what's best for her.
But keeping secrets is not the way!

I look at her with a face showing no emotion.
I go around her and leave.

First it's Tommy then this.

It's too much. I need to think.

A car I don't recognize stops in front of me. The person gets out of the car. Before I can even shout at the person. He grabs my arms and throws me into the back seat of the car.

He gets in. Turns to me and points a gun at me. What a way to be dramatic.

"Haha hey there big guy! What's up?" I couldn't really see his face properly. His hair was in the way.

"Shut up! Now look here! I'm tired of Tommy playing games with you. If you don't give us what we want I will kill your family. Now get out you skunk"

He glares at me. I get out the car as fast as I can.

Oh Gosh oh gosh oh gosh!!!

I need Aaron. I think I'm having a panic attack.

I take my phone out and call right away just as the car speeds off.


"" I drop the call and start crying.

Why is the universe doing this to me. I didn't do anything!! I don't even know what they want from me.

Luckily Aaron came to my rescue and picked me up bridal style and put me in the car. Closing the door after checking if I'm comfortable he rushes to the other side.

We haven't moved yet. I choose to stay quiet. My eyes staring right ahead, but I can feel his heated gaze on me. He wants me to say something and I won't.

I just need him to take me home? Easy right?

"Take me home" I breathe out.

He sighs. Then we drove off.

When we got home I jumped out of the car and ran to the door of my safe home.
I think.

A warm hand grips my wrist, stopping me from moving forward.

"We need to talk Cass. I'm worried"

"Look! I just needed you to take me home. I'm fine....just go" I didn't even look at him while saying that.

"Cass please"

I take one good look at him to see him in distress and a hint of worry in his gorgeous eyes..

I turn around and get in the house only to slam the door and run up to my room to plop down on it and cry.

I just let it all out. All my frustrations.
Everything. Being positive won't work all the time. It was hard not to cry in front of Aaron. I always held my head high. To show people that I'm strong.

That nothing can come in my way. I guess I was wrong.

I can't be happy for long.
Then I heard a knock on my door.

"Ye--ah?" my voice cracked when I asked.

"Cass? What's going on? What happened today? You were gone the whole day then all of a sudden you call me just to take you home? Please tell me. I'm really worried" he says.

Oh man. Should I tell him?
I don't want to be a burden in his life.
He needs someone to brighten up his day. Someone who is not a cry baby but a happy baby.

Should I really really trust him?

"Look. I went to the mall, I saw my mom, I met a guy and then I went to Char's house to find out that she has a boyfriend we didn't know about for 5 months then when I stormed out some guy threatened me. I thought that I was going to die today Aaron. I didn't feel okay at all."

I explain to him.
That's when he decides to enter in my room.

He walks over to my bed.
I sit up and pat the space next to me for him to sit and feel comfortable.
He closes the door before he sits down.
When he does he wraps his arms around me. Comforting me.

He starts to play with my hair which relaxes me in a second. It felt good.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you love. If I was there maybe that wouldn't have happened I'm so sorry Cassandra. Just know that I'm not just here for you, I will be with you at all times. I care about you"

He said all of that?!!
Oh no. Does he like me?

I chose to keep quiet and leaned into him and snuggled up into his arms even more. He doesn't say anything and keeps quiet too.

I start to feel my eyes closing from the warmth coming from Aaron.

I mumble a 'thank you'. I don't think he heard though then I passed out.

a/n: Sad I know. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Please Tap The Little Star Below And Comment.

If there are any spelling mistakes please tell me. Thanks!!!

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