6. Safety

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- Minhee -

SINCE the day I came back from Busan after meeting my grandmother, Taehyung was acting differently. It had been a week but there was not a single day when he slept at home.

He used to come back home after work and after having dinner, he again used to back to his office, saying there were tons of works to complete.

The whole week I slept alone in this house.

This was not the first time he worked at night but this was the longest, a whole week.

I was so worried about him.

After preparing dinner, I sat there in the kitchen waiting for him. The only time we see each other was during dinner.

He asked me to make dinner early, so I didn't even get to rest after I got back from work. But now he was late and I was here waiting for him.

I just sat there, staring at a blank space.

Half an hour passed, there was no sign of him. When I called him earlier, he said he was on the way.

I suddenly remembered the nightmare from a week ago. It was so realistic and I still couldn't tell if it was really a nightmare.

A smile formed across my face when I heard footsteps getting closer. A male figure appeared near the kitchen door in no time.

"I'll go and take a quick shower," Taehyung said and walked away without even glancing at me.

I waited for a few minutes since he said 'a quick shower'. But he was taking a long time, so I thought of checking on him.

I walked to our room, "Taehyung." I knocked on the bathroom door.

"I'M COMING," he shouted from inside.

I was about to walk out when I noticed a bag on the bed. There were plastic sealed lemons and four bottles of lemon juice inside the bag.

"Why did he bring these?" I brought the bag to the kitchen and put the lemons and the bottles in the refrigerator.

Again, I waited for him while staring at the door. He finally came running with his wet hair.

"Where did the lemons go?" he asked.

"I put them in refrigera-"

"CAN YOU AT LEAST ASK WHO WERE THOSE LEMONS FOR?" he shouted at me before pulling the refrigerator door harshly. He shoved them inside the bag from earlier.

"Why are you shouting?" I asked in disbelief.

Like I said, he was acting differently lately. He used to get angry with small and stupid things.

My day was already shitty after the rude boss of mine shouted at me and now this, just great.

"These are not for us." He ran his fingers through his hair and tried to speak in a calm voice.

"You can tell that without shouting right?" I suddenly felt like crying, so I looked away from him.

"I'm sorry, I'm just too stressed lately." He apologized after he noticed my expression.

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