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- Minhee -

A cool air touched the warmth of my cheeks, I stood on the balcony and watched the sun shining up there. Someone walked towards me from behind and I already knew who was it.

Slowly a warm hand slipped around my waist and landed on my tummy, followed by the other, hugging me from behind.

"What are you doing here?" my husband whispered near my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

Burying his face in the crook of my neck, "Didn't I tell you not to walk much?" he spoke against my neck.

"It tickles." I lightly pushed him away.

"I was breathing the fresh air," I said and closed my eyes, inhaling the fresh air.

"You won't listen to me?" he stomped his foot and brought a chair from the inside, "Sit here." He finally made my stubborn ass sit there.

"How's our baby?" he kneeled down and placed his ear against my tummy.

Placing his finger on his lips, "shhh- baby is sleeping," he whispered and stayed in the same position while I caressed his hair.

"Taehyung," I called him out and he looked up, raising his eyebrows.

"Your son is here." I pointed at the two figures down there, walking inside the gate.

The little boy noticed us here in the balcony and waved at us while we waved back at him. He immediately ran towards the door and his mother followed him.

"I'll go and open the door." He walked away, leaving me there. I leaned back and closed my eyes, waiting for them.

"AUNTYYY! I MISSED YOU." Jungho ran to me and was about to hug me when my husband caught him and stopped the boy.

Jungho pouted, "Uncle, let me go." He pleaded the one who stopped him.
"Don't press her tummy," Taehyung said and he nodded.

He happily ran to me and hugged me, "Mommy said there is a baby inside, when will it come out?" he asked, caressing my stomach with his small hands.

My husband immediately answered his question. "In a month," he said and pulled the boy away from me.

"Aunty, I brought something for you." Jungho ran to his mother and pulled the basket from her hand.

The three and half-year-old boy struggled to carry it all by himself, "Avocados." he placed it beside my chair.

"Sure, you paid for those," Aejung said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I bought it with my own money," Jungho lied, making three of us burst out in a laugh.

"I'm telling the truth." He pouted while frowning.

Taehyung carried him in his arms while the boy was still frowning, "Let's go and play," he said.

"YAAY LET'S GO," Jungho shouted excitedly.

Those two were about to leave when Jungho turned around, "Mommy? Aunty?" he asked.

"Aunty can't play, so you two go and we will watch you guys from here, okay?" she said and he nodded before holding his uncle's index finger and walked away.

Aejung and I were left alone, and I watched those two, who were already down there running to the front yard.

"Why did you leave without saying anything?" I asked her and she nervously laughed.

She went somewhere a few months ago with her son, without saying anything to us and later we found out that she went to visit her grandmother, but stayed there for months.

"I didn't want Jungho to be the third wheel during your pregnancy when you needed your husband the most," she said, avoiding my eyes and I hummed in response.

The situation became awkward after that, "They look so happy together." I tried to break the awkward situation.

"I'm sorry, I tried to convince him but he insisted to come and meet you two," she said with an awkward smile.

"Why are you saying sorry?" I asked confused by her sudden apology.

"I'm sure annoying you two," she said, watching her son and my husband playing with each other.

"I love Jungho as much as Taehyung does, and it was my decision to marry Taehyung even after knowing everything," I said and a slight smile formed across her face.

Taehyung had certain responsibilities as a father and he fulfilled all of them being Jungho's uncle. Never did he let those things affect our relationship, he was a good father as well as a husband.

"I want to be friends with you," I said in a low voice and examined her expression.

"It took you long enough." She laughed and playfully hit my shoulder.

"So I guess now you'll tell me the real reason behind why you canceled the marriage," I finally asked and there was a sudden change in her expression.

She sighed. "I've seen him crying every night. He never cried in front of me, but every night when he assumed that I fell asleep, he used to leave the room and silently cry in the corner, and in our wedding day, his eyes didn't dare to leave you for a second. So I just couldn't-" she paused and a tear escaped her eye, which I noticed.

"Are you happy?" I asked her. She immediately wiped the tear and smiled.

She looked at her son playing and a wide smile formed across her face, "Jungho has become my world and the reason for my happiness." Her eyes said it all, she was happy.

They waved at us and ran inside the house, which means they will be here soon.

"AUNTYYYY!" Jungho shouted and we immediately turned around.

Taehyung walked towards us while carrying him and he was shouting, and here we thought something bad happened.

Aejung sighed, "He scares me sometimes." She shook her head and I laughed while looking at them.

I slowly tried to stand up while holding my stomach when a strong pain was felt in my tummy and I was thrown back on the chair.

"Aah!" A low moan escaped my mouth and Aejung worriedly kneeled in front me while Taehyung put Jungho down before running to me.

"What happened?" both of them asked worriedly.

"Nothing much." I shook my head and a smile formed across my face. "Are you okay, aunty?" Jungho also ran to me.

"Baby just kicked me."


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