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[  Donghyuck's POV  ]

Yesterday was indeed one of the best days of my life. I can't believe I finally had the guts to talk to Mark, let alone hang out with him. My imaginative mind would like to think of yesterday as a date, but I'm aware that it was nothing but a friendly date.

Nevertheless, happiness is an understatement of what I'm feeling right now. I couldn't help but to smile to myself whenever I think of the exact time Mark and I ate at the convenience store, or when I walked him home and made him laugh (although I somehow annoyed him) before he went inside his home.

Most importantly, I guess I'll never forget the fact that I made Mark smile after his heartbreak.

I feel sad for him, though. I know Jung Jaehyun is a nice guy. In fact, a lot of my female classmates have a crush on him despite knowing that he likes guys. Even so, he's always been helpful and kind towards everyone.

Honestly, Mark is kind of like Jaehyun-- well, better than him. Mark is kind-hearted and he hates giving a hard time to other people. He is very timid though, and shy as well. Even so, he's still responsible. Another thing that I like about him is his deep mind.

He could be pretty sassy online sometimes, though.

I've been observing him from afar, yeah. I never stalked him though.

A sudden snap of finger cut me off from my busy train of thoughts, sending me back to reality.

Well, that reality is kinda awful. I'm currently doing an experiment in Chemistry-- the subject that I love the most. Note the sarcasm.

"Donghyuck! Watch out for the instructions, please. We don't want to burn down the whole school, do we? Although I've been itching to do that," Renjun cut a piece of magnesium ribbon as he held it with his tongs.

Renjun is my lab partner, you see. Somehow, he's average at this subject, so lab activities really pull up my grades. All thanks to him.

He's savage at times, though.

"Yeah, yeah," I answered as I suddenly remember to wear lab goggles.

Ms. Junyo, our Chemistry teacher, then demonstrated what we'll be doing. She turned the bunsen burner on, to which we followed. I was about to hold the tongs, but then Renjun shook his head.

"No. You've been spacing off a lot today. Let me do it this time, alright? Observe what happens so we can finish the report immediately," Renjun let out an assuring smile, his eyes full of concern.

He's right though. I did as he told.

The burning magnesium ribbon indeed looked so majestic, showing a bright white light that lasted for only seconds. It was similar to how fireworks look like when they explode, only that it didn't make sounds.

After the whole experiment, we wrote our lab report as quickly as possible so we could have lunch as well. I glanced around the laboratory when my eyes caught the Nomin couple.

Well, Jaemin's arm rested on Jeno's. They're lab partners, you see-- more like love partners, honestly.

After passing the lab report, Renjun and I left the laboratory the same time Jeno and Jaemin did.

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