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[  Mark's POV  ]

After Mr. Seok has dismissed us, I immediately went to the library to meet up with Donghyuck and to spend my whole lunch too. I don't really have anyone to eat with and the cafeteria always annoyed my ears.

I thought of the wrongly sent message Donghyuck sent to me a while ago. Well, we had that same quiz they took too. He literally leaked to me his answers for the quiz. Honestly, I was shocked to know that most of them were correct.

I didn't check my phone nor memorized his answers, though. I despise cheating. Exams are meant to assess us if we've learned something, and cheating is basically fooling yourself. I find it disgusting.

Surprisingly, I don't hate Donghyuck although I am aware of what he did. Seeing his messages, I could come up with a conclusion that he is a complete asshole, but I don't want to generalize his whole personality so I shrugged at the thought.

The moment I stepped inside the library, I saw someone sitting at one of the tables, waving at me.

Jung Jaehyun.

My heart instantly beat faster at the sight of him. My mind went all fuzzy, nervous on thinking of how I should react in front of him.

Should I wave back? Should I smile? Should I sit beside him? Opposite him?

Those were just the preliminaries, though. My stomach felt like it had butterflies inside them, going crazy. My knees became weaker, shakier, as I walked closer to him.

God, he is so breathtaking. I wouldn't mind staring at his face every morning, really.

The most rational thing to do now is to wave back at him and return his smile, so I did it. He motioned me to site beside him.

He wore this wide smile I've never seen before. His eyes crinkled, beautiful like the crescent moon, while his dimples showed up. He had this aura of happiness surrounding him--- I could feel it.

Seeing him happy makes me happy, too.

"H-hello, Jaehyun!" I stuttered. Damn it.

He sighed, then bit his lip as he tried to look me in the eye. I knew this habit of him all too well-- he's going to say something important to me.

We've been friends for a long time, you see. Too bad that it couldn't get into something more than that (well, it did for me), but knowing him and being there for him is enough for me. We met when he learned that I came from Canada, and he also told me he lived in America for four years, that's why he's here-- to study.

We became really closer, and we became somehow best friends. Too bad he couldn't come here often, since he's in College. He could still go in our library, though.

"Um, I have to say something important to you. I really wanted to tell you this, Mark. I thought you ought to know this since you're my best friend."

My heart beat faster and faster as seconds pass by. He leaned to me closer, then cupped his hand at the side of his cheeks before speaking,

"You know Lee Taeyong, right? I... actually have a crush on him. H-he confessed to me yesterday, though," Jaehyun bit his lip, "he's my boyfriend now."

My eyes felt so lost. My heart dropped, as though I've fallen from a gyro drop.

It couldn't be... right? He's joking, isn't he? This is a dream, right?

A nightmare, at this matter.

I've been silent for seconds before he waved his hand in front of my face, "Mark? Sorry to shock you. I just want to let you know since you're important to me. My best friend is so dear to me."

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