Feline and Canine(Boy x Boy and M-Preg at some point)

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Hey guys this is just something that I found from way back when. I was just started writing so I decided to do some touch ups and post it. (On the side is pictures of Lachlan's cheetah, Lesland's Falcon and Laken's Wolf. Also there will be a song I listened to while doing touch ups)


As i walked onto the new addition of the pack, I could alread smell the pungent smell of different weres and I scrunch my nose up not wanting to smell it anymore. I look up

my older sister, well she wasn't my blood sister. she was a soccer aprentice in our pack.

She was really pretty, her light brown skin that reminds me of a brown sugar and big ,brown eyes with thick eye lashes and thin, arched eye brows. Her pitch black hair that goes down her back in soft waves. which she says took her forever to get like that.

She is very well endowed in both aspects and short. The males in the pack were

always falling at her feet trying to get her attention even though they knew she played for the other team. Now I was in a similar situation. Exept the alpha of our pack was always humping my leg along with all the other males that didn't get close to Lesland. I was Blonde and my hair went down to my ancles and light grey eyes that had specks of green in them. Now because of a pack combination we had to transfer schools to establish the law of our pack and make sure they understood the rules of our pack. But unlike the multitudes of wolves in our pack, I was a and Lesland was a Falcon, and on top of that I was ranked first best fighter and hunter and Lesland second in both as well.

~Time Skip~

I was standing next to Lesland listening to her address the pack.

"Now Lachlan here will explain the rules for hunting" She says motioning to me and i step up scanning over the group of wolves

"Listen up! We basically have one rule when it comes to hunting. Mothers and there children are off limits! If we find out you disobey this rule, the penalty is death." I start my speech but is interrupted

"Why, they are prey. They are meant to be killed" Some beefy guy in the front says and my eyes turn into slits and i bear my fangs.

"What's your name?" i snap at him

"Ryan" The guy says

"Well RYAN" i says emphasizing his name "What if a pack of hunters came onto your territory? huh? and killed your mate and pups? You'd be mad? Upset? Heartbroken? But to the hunters you're just prey, remember? So it shouldn't matter?" I hiss at him and his mouth flaps like a fish out of water....I sigh loudly and visibly starts to drool...Ummmm fish.....Lesland snaps in my face and i am out of my trance.

"Now can i finish" I ask Ryan sarcastically and he whimpers and nods "That's what i thought, Mutt" I hiss and finish my speech.


Me and Lesland were walking well, Lesland was flying when all of a sudden I was tackled to the ground and my a huge black wolf the size of a large bear, crushing my whole body.

"ALPHA GET OFF OF ME, I CAN'T BREATH!" I yell telepathically and he moves most of his weight off of me but still pinning me down and I sigh.

"Hi Lachlan!" He says telepathically while licking and nuzzling me.

"Hello Alpha" I say back.

"Why do you call me that?" He Pouts visibly the corners of his mouth twitches down.

"Because that's what you are, My Alpha."

"Yeah, Yeah I know but Your aloud to call me by my name" He's still pouting

"But that's disrespect and I will not disrespect my Alpha." He's gets off of me and puts his head down whimpering.

"Yes, Laken?" I say sighing as I get up and shake the dirt and leaves off of me and his head pops up and he yips happily, running around me happily.

"I just wanted to see you." He yips

"Shouldn't you be looking for your mate?" I ask and he crouches down and the corners of his mouth turn down again and he growls in irritation. "I don't want my mate, I want you"

"But I'm not your mate so you can't have me." I say again and he whimpers.

"But my mate isn't as good as you" He says then snaps his mouth shut.

"Oh so you found her then?" and he nobs.

"Who is it?"

"Sissy" He whimpers. Sissy was a wolf in our pack, I totally bitch. she had fake boobs and butt injections, always wore a crap ton of make-up to compensate for her lack of beauty. She was your typical 'Fake Girl'. She hated me and Lesland because none of the males in our pack paid her any attention and she could only get no good humans who used her for sex, and even then they dropped her and flocked to us when they saw us.

Just then a brown wolf came barreling through the woods with no grace what-so-ever and I guessed it was Sissy. Laken tried to hid behind me but failed, the bear sized wolf's head was at least the size of half of my body.

Once Sissy got her balance righted she glared at me. Lesland landed and perched on top of my head and cocked her head to the side, looking amused.

"I see you haven't worked on your balance or agility" I say humor in my voice and she snarls snapping her teeth at me.

"GET AWAY FROM MY MATE!" she yells at me and I stand up and move to the side and Laken follows right behind. Lesland makes and weird squawking should that kinda sounded like a laugh. Laken his growling and snapping his teeth at Sissy and she is doing the same as him but at me. She lunges at me but I evaded her and latch onto her neck and bite down hard growing low in my throat.

"Listen up, Mutt! If I wanted him I would have been had him. low attack me again and I won't hesitate to kill you!" I Scream at her though telepathy and she whimpers. I could taste blood in my mouth and bit down harder making her whimper louder and I shook my head a bit biting down harder tasting more blood before letting her go and she backs into a tree like a puppy that just got hit with a news paper.

"Now don't touch me!" I snap at her and then stalk off to the pack house, Lesland in the sky ahead of us and Laken prancing beside me, looking as proud as ever.


I had been hearing Sissy trying to play the victim card and only been getting ridicule as feedback, the most common reply was "Well you shouldn't have attacked him. I had seen her in the kitchen and she had gauze wrapped around her neck and looked like she was in pain, every male I had come in contact with has stopped to give me a hug and asked was okay, give their condolences or even tell me that what she did was wrong. Sissy didn't eat that night as punishment and Laken insisted that I slept in his bed but I still slept in my small three bed room two and a half bathroom not too far from the pack house.


SO....Yeah just something for on the side and when I'm bored or have writers block.

Just a fun little thing that I enjoy writing and hope you will enjoy reading!(I Just realized when I typed I look like a complete creep, I'm just hunched over my laptop/keyboard typing very aggressively XD.)

Feline and Canine(Boy x Boy and M-Preg at some point)Where stories live. Discover now