Chapter 2: Lucarios Unlucky Break

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So about one month later Lucario and Glaceon grew a strong bond together. They can agree to tell all their secrets and not tell anyone. And both never broke their promises. They were the best of friends. Glaceon and Lucario grew like family. Lucario point of view has changed after a month of fun with Glaceon. He seems to have found Glaceon more attractive and developed feelings towards Glaceon. He'd hint at it but she never noticed. Lucario finally got fed up of hiding this secret and decided the next day she hangs with Glaceon he would tell her. So he asked to hang with Glaceon the next day and they went to starbucks.


I walk in and find Glaceon sitting at a table with her coffee already. She spots me and waves. I wave back smiling. I blush and quickly turn to the coffee girl. "Can I get the usual?" I asked. The coffee girl smiles "Sure be right up" she says and walks away. I walk over to Glaceon "Hi" I said. Glaceon pushes the straw out and says "Hi Lucario!" She says happily" i noticed the tone of her voice. "Why so happy today?" I asked. She looked at me "At work a new guy came and he asked me out and I said yes and now I'm really happy!" She says. I blush and try to hold back tears "oh. You did? Well I'm happy for you!" I say. I look at the coffee lady and and walk over. I grab my coffee and sip it.  I sit back down. "So what's happening between you and this guy?" I ask. She smiles and says "when he asked me out and I said he lifted me up and kissed me in front of everyone. It was so romantic!" She said. I looks down and pretend to have my phone ringing. I look down and says "I.. I gotta go. Bye." I get up and starts walking away. Glaceon shouts "bye Lucario. Text ya later." Once she said that my tears start coming out. I run to my car and cry my heart out. "WHY ME? WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME?" I shout screaming. "FUCK MY LIFE!" I scream and broke glass in my car. I start driving away still crying. "I DIDNT EVEN GET TO TELL HER!" I scream. I get home And I walk in tears everywhere. Blaziken sees me and hugs me quickly. "Lucario what's wrong bro?" He says trying to comfort me. "GLACEON GOT A BOYFRIEND AND I DIDNT GET TO TELL HER HOW I FEEL!" I say crying in his arms. "Bro it's gonna be alright. Just calm down!" He says setting me down. I grab a pillow and cry into it. Blaziken comes back with some water and hugs me. "Its gonna be alright dude. I'm here!" He says. I finally stop crying. "I just wanted to tell her how I feel! That's all! But I can't now. Her stupid boyfriend" I say  Blaziken lays my back. "You'll be alright bro. Go get some rest." I nod. "Alright." I say. I set my phone down and lay in my bed. "I wanted her... But now I'm crushed." I say and I doze off.


I watch Lucario leave and sigh. I grab my phone and I start to drive home. I get inside and walk to my sister. "Leafeon. I think I made a huge mistake." I said. Leafeon stares at me. "What did you do?" She asks. I look her in the eye. "I told Lucario about my new boyfriend and he left immediantly. He said his family called but I'm afraid he might have a crush on me." I admit. I blush and look into Leafeons eyes. She stares at me and sighs. "Glaceon. Why did you tell him? If you think he has a crush on you ask him. He'll be honest. After all you guys are best friends!" Leafeon says. I smile and say "ok thanks." I pick up my phone and text Lucario. No answer. "Hmm. He'll reply later I guess." I sit down and turn the TV on. About half a hour later I hear a knock on the door. I walk to it and find a Blaziken standing there. "Hello? Do I know you?" I ask. Blaziken looks at me and smiles. "Hi. I came to talk to you about Lucario. Is it alright if I come in?" I frown and said "who are you?" He smiles. "I'm Lucarios roommate Blaziken. He's told me many things about you." I blush and say "come in. Sit on the couch and we can talk!" I say. I close the door and sat next to Blaziken. "So what brings you here?" I ask. Blaziken sighs. "Well. Lucario came home today crying and saying you got a boyfriend. Is this true?" He asked. I blush "yeah I got a boyfriend. why was he crying is he OK?" I ask. Blaziken smiles "don't worry. He's alright. He's in bed right now sleeping. He has a huge crush on you and I wanted to tell you. He likes you a lot and after he confessed to me I had to tell you. But don't tell him I told you!" He says. I blush red. "OK I won't. Thanks for coming Blaziken!" I say. He walks out and I run to my room. I lay on my bed smiling. "He likes me." I say. But I have a boyfriend. So I can't tell him. "Ugh." I said. I got under the covers and shouted "NIGHT LEAFEON!"  and fell asleep.


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