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Laura's P.O.V: 

I heard voices around me. Where am I?

The last thing I remember was fainting at the news of Mom and Dad's death.

Then I remembered.

Mom and Dad.


I felt like I was about to cry so I grabbed the closest thing to me.

Which happened to be Ross. 

"It's ok baby, Rossy here. " He whispered into my ear and kissed my forehead.

He sat on the edge of the hospital bed, just looking at me.

I wanted to cry soo bad. I usually don't put on the 'Cry Baby' act, but right now I just needed the comfort.

So I did what every desperate girlfriend seeking attention from her hot boyfriend does.

I climbed into Ross's lap and put my head in the crod of his neck.

"Laur, the sight of your body cold and helpless on the floor scared me shitless... what happened? " He said pressing his lips on my cheek.

I sighed and cuddled closer, " Vanessa and I got a voicemail from the police saying that our parents died in an accident. "

Ross was speechless, his eyes read sadness and pity.

I looked up and saw a tear run down his face.

He saw me, shook his head, and wiped it away," I'm sorry, I'm suppose to be comforting you."

I gave him a weak smiled and kissed him, "No babe, it's ok.  They were just as important to you and your family. "

Ross smiled. I just wanted to kiss him all day, forget about the pain.

So I did.

Well, sorta.

"Uh...sorry to interrupt... " the nurse said walking in on us.

I pulled away from Ross. He started to pout and I giggled.

"Ms. Marano, would you like to see your sister now? "

I gulped and nodded.

Ross intertwined his hands with mine and we went to the room next door.

Vanessa had already woke up and had no problem turning on the 'Cry Baby' act. She sat in Riker lap, sobbing quietly. Riker had put his head on top of Vanessa's and she didnt seem to mind.

I watched as Riker sent Ross a death glare as he winked at the couple. I smiled.

"Oh Laura...didn't see you there.. you're taking this way better than me. " Vanessa laughed weakly.

I ran up to her and gave her a long hug. I thought she was about to cry again but she pulled herself together.

"We need to get you home, you have school tomorrow. " Vanessa said.

I silently groaned. School is the least of my concern.

"Are you sure you want to go to school so soon, yall need to rest. " Ross spoke up looking at me with concern in his eyes.

He's the best.

"And miss showing off my Rossy to all the girls at school so they know that you are MINE? Heck no! " I joked.

He laughed and smiled slyly, " Mm,ok ."

Riker got up and took Vanessa's hand, " We best be getting home. "

"Yeah," Vanessa said. "Hey, Riker... "

"Yes ma'am? "

Vanessa chuckled. "Thanks for being here with me...and for letting me ruin your shirt with my makeup. "

"Not a probl-,"

Vanessa wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

Ross started to make smooching sounds and I shushed him.

Vanessa pulled away.

"Aww ." Riker sighed.

Vanessa smack his arm, but she smiled.

"Before we go, let me go clean my face off." Vanessa said and hurried off.

Once Riker checked to make sure that Vanessa was out of earshot, he let out the girliest scream EVER.

"Riker, " Ross said cringing, "You scream like a fan girl! "

Riker blushed, "Well I'm just happy that the love of my life just kissed me... and ruined my favorite T-shirt.

Ross snickered.

Riker was so happy, he did a backflip off the hospital wall.

I quickly turned around to make sure nobody saw that.

"Riker, " I hissed at him, " Are you crazy?! "

"Crazy in lovee ". He simply smiled.

I chuckled. 


After we got home, I heated some cereal up. Luckily, I had packed all my stuff for school the week before. Just have to get up tomorrow and go.

I took a shower and got in bed when my phone started ringing.

"Hello? "

"Hey Laur, just wanted to say goodnight." Ross said.

"Oh thanks, ready for school? "


I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Anyways I will see you tomorrow. I love you.

I smiled. When he says he loves me, it makes the world seem brighter.

"I love you too Ross, goodnight. "

I hung up and fell asleep... somehow.

Get ready for school!  More soon!

×0×- Rachel ♡

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