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Laura's P.O.V:

I'm out on another date with Cameron. I walked into the Olive Garden with a white sun dress and white heels.

I saw Cameron at the table looking...normal.

"Hey babe." He said trying to kiss me and I backed away, not feeling in the mood.

"What's wrong now?" He said sounding a little bit irritated.

"it's Ross. " I said sighing. "We got in a fight and we haven't talked ever since then. And we have to go rehearse for Austin&Ally tomorrow. Talk about awkward. . ."

"Look babe I really don't care to talk about your little buddie! " He said raising his voice. Then he said,"Let's get back to us..." leaning in to kiss me AGAIN.

"Cameron, stop!, You don't even care that I'm hurting! All you trying to do is get with this!" I yelled gesturing my body to him.

"Hey babe, what are you doing here,"This blonde hair girl stranger said walking in,"You ready for our date tomorrow or nahh". She then said giggling.


Tears begin to form in my eyes when I realized that Cameron had cheated on me.

"So who's this Cameron, Huh?" I said glaring at the girl.

"Uhh..This is uhh..Brooklyn..and Uhh Brooklyn. . . This is Laura." He said shaking with fear and kinda awkwardly.

"Hey Brooklyn! Nice too meet you! I'm Cameron's Ex girlfriend." I said shaking her hand and fake smiling at Cameron who has now turned pale.

"Hey Laura! I'm also Cameron's Ex girlfriend." Brooklyn said and dumped a cup a juice on Cameron's head.

"I'm outta here." I said the tears forming in my eyes again but from anger this time.

How could he do this to me?

The customers in the restaurant probably thought we were acting and putting on a show because they started clapping.

I walked out the Olive Garden and got in my car and drove home. And the perfect song just played on the radio.

Trying to apologies

Your so ugly when you cry

Please, just cut it out

Don't tell me your sorry

'Cause your not

Baby cause I know you're only sorry

You got caught

But you put on quite a show

Very entertaining but now it's time to go

Curtains finally closing

Yea it's over now

Go on and take a bow

More coming soon!

×0×-Rachel ♡

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