Part 29 - Court Date

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Author's Note: Please Vote, Comment and share this story with all your friends. Please feel free to read "The Island" or "My Italian Adventure" as well. Thanks.


Wednesday the fourth of December at nine AM Sam and I sat in the back of the courtroom listening to the most urgent cases go through first. Amanda's case came before the judge and hear our hired lawyer with Amanda's lawyer lay the case in front of the judge. The judge listened to both sides and without further delay found Amanda guilty with twenty-five years jail time per kidnappee she took and with seventy-five years of jail looney cell to look forward to in South Africa. She will be deported and do her jail time in South Africa. Finally, she will be gone. They took her away in jail hand and ankle cuffs.

I looked at her as she looked at me, Sam tried to get my attention when she shook off her to heavy muscle looking guards and leaped at me right here in the courtroom. The courtroom broke out in chaos. Sam caught me as we all fell between the benches to the floor. She sat astride me head bud me then to crown everything started to choke me with her chains.

I got pissed and grabbed her nipples and keep pinching them as hard as I could manage. She sat up yelling I hit her jaw up and elbow her left eye to get her off of me. By this time her guards were on her again. The Judge spoke up again.
'Mrs. Amanda Cloete, since your sentence was clearly to light I make it a hundred years in the prison psych ward in South Africa without any possibility of parole.' The judge gave his final ruling and pound his gavel on his desk. Her guards took her away kicking and screaming cursing as they took her away. The nice judge got off his bench and came to see if I need any medical help. 

I did I was bleeding all over the place and the courtroom guard got on the phone and called for an ambulance. I have a head wound where her head hit mine but most of all I am more worried about the triplets. The ambulance arrived rather quickly and as the paramedic pushed my gurney out to the ambulance did Janine phone but since I didn't answer she called Sam. I was crying all the way to the hospital.

'Hey, please stop crying, honey.' Sam took my hand while he was still on the phone with Janine.

'I can't till I know the triplets are fine they've been through enough with that bitch.' I cried more. We got to the hospital and they raced me into an ER room where they look at my bleeding head then at the same time they did an ultrasound on the triplets. Sam stood by my head looking down at me drying my tears as he held my head in his hands. They lean out my head wound as it stings. 

'Mr. & Mrs. Heughan, look let me show you here is baby number one heart beating strong and steady. Baby number two also strong and steady with a little case of the hiccups. And here baby number three also strong and steady heartbeat while sucking his this thumb.'

'I'm sorry "he"?' Sam asked looking from me to the doctor.

'Yes, baby number one here is a boy, baby two a little girl and baby number three is another boy.' The doctor points out for us.

'So they are all perfectly fine doctor. That woman did attack me rather forcefully.'

'They are all in 100% good health from the ultrasound.'

'And a 3D scan please doctor we need to make a hundred percent sure my family is fine.' Sam ordered.

'Very well Mr. Heughan.' The doctor went off and got me admitted for the night to make sure I'm all good and to observe the triplets. I know we just entered their seventh month I feel better being here at the hospital so the professionals can make sure my babies are fine. Sam has gone off with Lance leaving Shaun with me to get me an overnight bag from home. Karien volunteered to look after the twins for us today. I'm sure she's having her hands full. Janine was earlier in a state when Sam told her what happened in the courtroom this morning and soon after the whole family started to call me as my three babies started to kick me from every direction. Silent tears ran down my face as I thank my heavenly Father above that He kept my three babies safe in Amanda's attack. Silent tears ran down my face when I was on the phone with my mother. 

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