Part 38 - Hollywood Fame

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Okay, we flew over to Los Angeles for the premiere here at the Chinese Theater for the Bond film. The fans here were even wilder here than back in London. Our kids are being looked after by a nanny we screen with a background check that MI6 ran for us on the poor innocent girl. Yet you can't be too safe nowadays. While we're here in LA, we are also celebrating our fifth wedding anniversary at the Bond premiere night. The whole premiere here is crazy amazing. With basically the same steps we had in London. Only now we have more celebs in one room then back home. 

Sam made more famous connections tonight than when we had the premiere of season four of Outlander and his other movies. We rushed back to our hotel room to be with our kids and send the poor nanny to her room for an early evening. Sam just wanted to have me for himself tonight since we are celebrating our wedding anniversary. He peeled me out of my expensive dress he bought me for this occasion. I helped him out of his tux and we were kind of frantic to get engaged between the sheets and the second Sam took possession of me, we had hot wild hard sex, that makes it a bit painful with pleasure. 

We got rather sweaty and wild with lust that we have gone all overboard in bed. Yet I am not complaining because it was fabulous. We fell asleep after two in the morning and slept till we were woken by a bright sunny day. Our baby sister Diana has a good hand on our kid's schedule we have in place since Luke and James can walk. I can't believe they are turning five next year. Diana is teaching Luke, James and the triplets to read and write basic words and sentences. Jasmine and Rose are still a bit young for these lessons, instead, they have music lessons Sam make them take. All our kids can either play the piano, guitar, drums and even violin and cello. They are much better now than when they all started. 

We spend a few extra days in LA on the beach enjoying the weather. Sam played with the kids in the sand and build sand castles. I took a million family photos for family memories. The days that followed were nice we took a family tour around Universal Studios, Warner brother studios and finally gone to Disney land where we stayed at the hotel and the kids were excited twenty-four hours for the four days we spend here. 

With two boxes of souvenirs that we couriered back home for the kids, we all flew back home and straight to the farm. Diana the nanny went home since we are back in London. Since we are back home I can take over from here and we don't need her services anymore. We arrived at the farm and the kids are off with daddy while Rose and Jasmine were busy in the living room playing with building blocks. As for myself I got busy in the kitchen cooking and baking up a storm. So a good couple of weeks past by as we all stay on the farm. It is really nice here.

The weekend before we head back to London, our family arrived in dribs and drabs to have some form of a breakaway in their chaotic lives. It was especially nice to see Janine, Richard, and their three kids. Janine helped me in the kitchen to knee some rusk dough I want to pop in the oven. 

'So how are you doing at work now sussa?' I asked as I pop the last bread pan in the oven and closed it.

'Oh, work is going great. I got promoted about six months ago as head of my department.'

'That is super awesome. Congratulations.' I gave her a half a hug since my hands are covered in flour.

'Thanks so much. Yes, it is great. We are currently working on a new animated movie that will come out sometime in the new year.'

'Nice. Will you let me know when it will come out?'

'Yes, but for now we are bound by secrecy.'

'Of course, I understand. The entertainment industry is very strict when it comes to these sort of matters. Now how are you guys coping with parenthood?' I asked wiping my hands on a tea towel.

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