The Fourth Wall. :P

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Missy and Ziggy started to move boxes into the house, Ziggy had permission to move in with her and help her build the farm.
"Ziggy, you can move those boxes into the kitchen." Missy said pointing to where they should be set. Jenny knocked on the frame of the open front door, "Hello? Do you need any help?"
The brunette gypsy asked. Missy turned to her with a smile and said gratefully, "Thank you Jenny, I would love the help."
"Great, I'll get the rest of the boxes." Jenny hauled in the last three boxes and helped Missy unpack. She looked Missy up and down, did Robbie really like her? Jenny wanted to find out for herself, "So, have you met anyone else here in Lazy Town yet?" she asked. Missy smiled, "Yeah I have. I've met the Mayor and Ms. Busybody...and Robbie."
"Robbie? You have met my brother already?" Jenny asked smiling slyly. Missy turned around to face Jenny, "He's your brother? I would have never guessed."
"I know, its because we differ in clothing, compared to him I look like a peasant."
"Oh dear don't say that. I think you look lovely. Where did you get your clothes?" Missy said looking at her bejeweled skirt and sash that hung on her hips, "You look like you are beautifully cultured. I'm sure people here think I look like a dumb blonde hick."
"No they don't. I hate it too when people judge on stereotypes, like they think that gypsies are thieves."
"Or that country girls are incompetent sluts."
"Or that gypsies like to cause trouble. I hate that."
"Me too. People think that country girls aren't well groomed, Its not like they don't have beauty parlors in Tennessee."
"Maybe we should talk to the author about this."
Missy turned around and looked at Jenny thinking about it, "Maybe later." She said.
Ziggy was busy in the kitchen trying to make a cake for his sister. He wanted to do something nice for her and he wanted to do it on his own, everyone thought he was too little to do a lot of things but he wanted to show Missy that he was a big kid now.
"Do you smell smoke?" Jenny asked as she stopped unpacking the box and stepped towards the kitchen, "Ziggy! What are you doing?" Jenny ran into the kitchen and opened the oven. A cloud of pitch black smoke choked the air around them. Missy came in and looked at the mess, "Ziggy? Are you alright?" she said kneeling down next to her brother who was shaking with fear, "I'm sorry Missy. I just wanted to make you a cake." Ziggy pouted. Missy looked at his face and almost smiled.
"Ziggy, that was very nice of you, but you could've burnt the house down. Its okay to ask for help."
"I'm sorry...I'll help you clean up."
"What flavor was it?" Missy asked.
"Red Velvet. Your favorite." Ziggy said with defeat. Missy giggled, stood up and started to clean the mess on the counter. Ziggy sat in the corner with his eyes still glued to the floor.
"What are you sitting down there for? I'm going to need help making this cake." Missy picked him up and set him on the counter. Jenny threw away the blackened cake and started to help them. Missy shot a curious glance over at Jenny, "So...what is your brother like?" She asked stirring the maroon batter in a bowl.
Jenny's lips curved into a smirk, "He's a big softie. He's a man of leisure, he likes to relax a lot."
"He sounds like an easy going guy. What does he like to do?"
"He invents things. You might say he's a genius, he likes to think so." Jenny chuckled to herself as she opened the frosting.
"Does he like cake?" Missy smiled at her. Jenny nodded.
"He loves it, its all he eats sometimes."
"Good, then we can invite him over for some."
"I'll go get him." Jenny went to leave but Missy stopped her.
"No need, just call him." She said holding up the phone.
"Will do." Jenny cheerfully took the phone and called her brother.

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