Sparks Flying.

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Jenny sat on the small circular platform that hung below the ship with Sportacus' arm around her side, "What are you thinking about Jenny?" Sportacus asked as he looked in the direction of her gaze. Jenny had a clever looking smirk on her face as she stared at Robbie leaving town, "Robbie just got rejected by Missy."
"How do you know that? If that is true, why do you have your evil sneer on your face?" he teased.
"Its because I know why. She thinks she's too busy for a relationship. I had a feeling this would happen."
"what makes you think that she is too busy for your brother?"
"please, she came here to build a barn and start her own business, the only reason I set them up is for her to say no." Jenny said almost diabolically. Sportacus had a mix of confusion and surprise. Why would she do such a thing to her brother?
"Why on earth would you do that to him? I'm surprised at you Jenny." Sportacus said displaying his disappointment with her in his voice. Jenny looked into his eyes, "Have you ever noticed that Robbie fights for things he can't have?"
"What do you mean?"
"Robbie has fought for Lazy Town to be lazy again for years and that is something he can never get back. But with Missy being here and her rejecting him like this will only make him want her more. Thus him working harder for her approval."
"If he's working for something he can't have then why is he trying to get it. He can never have it right?"
"That is what he thinks. Robbie doesn't think that he can have Missy, but he can."
"How do you know?"
"You ask a whole lot of questions. I know that she likes him, that is why he has a chance to have her."
"And how did you get this information you gypsy genius?"
"Did you see the way she bit her lip when she saw Robbie walk through the door? She couldn't stop playing with her hair, or stop staring at him. She wiped off his face for crying out loud. I know what I'm talking about."
"Oh do you?" He said squeezing her sides until she laughed out loud. "You are diabolical, you know that?"
"Yes, I do. I know my brother better than anyone, he really likes Missy and she really likes him. Just as long as she rejects him a little more, he'll have something to work for."
" super powers of deduction tell me that this is going to be a big mess by the time its over." Sportacus said. He hoped that she knew what she was talking about and that Robbie would try harder to get Missy. All of that would have to wait until the next day, "Up!" Sportacus ordered the ship as the platform lifted into the ship.
Robbie didn't sleep one bit the night before, he was up making something for Missy. So when he finally sat down in his fluffy chair, it was time to head over to her home, "I hope there isn't much to do today." he hoped as he peeled his sweaty self off of his beloved chair. Robbie drove to her house and as expected, she was there tending to her crop.
All of his exhaustion seemed to disappear when he spotted her in her daisy dukes pulling out the weeds from her garden. He leaped from his seat and leaned over the fence. "Good morning Missy." he called out loudly for Missy was at a fair distance from him. She looked up at him and started running to get to him.
"Morning Robbie. I'm surprised that you woke up this early."
"Actually, I didn't sleep last night at all. I was busy working on this." Robbie shown her the crop cutter he had driven to her home for her. Missy looked at the tractor as if it were a new dress.
"Robbie? You made this for me?"
"Yes I did. I thought you might need one."
"Oh, I do. Thank you so much." Missy hugged him tightly and Robbie couldn't help but laugh a little. She filled him with a wonderful feeling of happiness and accomplishment. Missy let him go and gave him a peck on the cheek.
"No one has ever done that for me. That is extremely kind of you." Robbie heard a quiver in her voice as she said those words. She was deeply touched that Robbie made a tractor for her.
"I didn't know what color you liked so I painted it purple."
"I like purple." Missy said with her eyes lingering upon his gaze. Ziggy came storming out of the house and he stopped short when he seen the big purple tractor sitting on the sidewalk.
"Where did we get this?" he asked. Ziggy didn't like that Robbie was here. He had something up his stripped spandex sleeves and Ziggy wanted to find out.
"Robbie made this tractor for me, isn't that nice? Why don't you lead Robbie inside until everyone comes, he looks like he needs some rest."
"But Missy." Ziggy protested but Missy hushed him and shooed him away into the house with Robbie.
Once the door was closed, Ziggy looked at Robbie with a quizzical brow, "Why did you do that for Missy?"
"I thought it might be good for her to have since she needs it for her farming business here in Lazy Town." Robbie didn't exactly know why he was receiving dirty looks from the costumed boy. Ziggy crossed his arms, not buying into his "excuse"
"But you hate fruits and vegetables. Why are you helping her?" Ziggy was getting smart now, Robbie felt as if he was being cornered by this little creature of a boy. He exhaled and confessed, "She's too nice to be mean to Ziggy. You have a wonderful sister." he then sank into the chair he was sitting in near the bay window in relief. Ziggy still had his look of suspicion on his face,
"Okay. That was very nice to do for her, she is ecstatic. I've never seen her happier." just then they heard a shrill cry of horror come from the outside and Robbie jumped from his seat to see the tractor in flames. Missy struggled to climb off the tractor and Robbie ran from the house and captured her in his arms and brought her back to the porch. The flames started to spread into the crop and before they knew it, the whole crop was engulfed in flames. Jenny and Sportacus came running with a hose from the ship to douse the ruthless flames that seemed to swallow her crop whole.
"What happened?" Jenny said running onto the porch. Ziggy pointed to Robbie, "It was Robbie's present. He made it so he could burn down her garden!"
Robbie looked at Missy's face which was wet with tears, it was a look of unbelief and despair in her eyes that seemed to express the words, "How could you?" in them. Missy said nothing she just stared at him as if he were the most confusing and horrible person she had ever seen. Robbie felt as if every eye was narrowed at him in disgust. He ran from the porch and into the still dark morning.
Jenny looked at Missy in her bright blue eyes, trying to assure her, "My brother would never do this on purpose. I promise you, he didn't mean it."

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