Red Velvet.

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The ringing of the phone woke Robbie from his sleep, his popcorn flew into the air and landed all over the floor, "What?!"
"Hello to you too." Jenny said on the other end.
"Jenny? What do you want?"
"Sportacus and I need to see the suit on you to make sure it fits. We are over at Missy's house helping her unpack."
"What? No. I'm not putting on that monkey suit, you're at Missy's?"
"Yeah, I told her all about you and she really wants to see you. Oh and she's making...cake." Jenny said trying her hardest not to laugh at the gasp Robbie made over the phone.
"Cake?" Robbie tried to conceal his excitement. "Uh...What kind of cake is it?" He said nonchalantly.
"Red Velvet...your favorite." Jenny confessed.
"Nice try, purple cake is my favorite."
"Really? Because Missy is here waiting patiently to see you, she made the cake just for you."
Robbie couldn't believe what he was hearing, a hot chick wanted to feed him cake. His heart pumped in and out of his chest. There was one thing he overlooked, Missy had already met him.
"I'll be over soon."
"Great. don't forget to wear the suit." Jenny hung up the phone and went back to help Missy in the kitchen.
Robbie looked over at the fancy suit that he threw on his work table. "I guess its not too terrible looking." He stood and took the suit and put it on in a twirl.
"Well, Sportaboob has classy taste after all." he said looking at himself in the mirror. Robbie trotted to the chute and made his way to Missy's house. He stepped out onto the roof and looked at the starry night sky, was this actually happening to him? The most meanest villain in Town...the only villain in town? He was starting to feel like there was a lightning bug glowing in his stomach. He didn't know whether it was a good or bad feeling. He exhaled and the feeling died and then grew stronger. "What is going on?"

"He should be here by now." Jenny said checking the time on the clock. Missy looked back at it too, she didn't want to be disappointed she really wanted to see Robbie. They both heard a knock on the door and Jenny raced to open it, "Well, don't you look amazing." Jenny said.
"I should, I just took a shower." Sportacus said. Jenny let him in, "I thought you were Robbie."
"Robbie? He's just down the road."
"You smell good." Jenny said drinking in the handsome smell that escaped his skin. Sportacus turned around and smiled at his gorgeous Fiancé, "Its Sandalwood baby." he said, his eyes soon diverted to Robbie standing in the doorway in his fine black pinstriped suit complete with a purple tie, "I'm here, are you happy now?" Robbie said to his little sis.
"You look great Robbie, turn around I want to see." Jenny said examining every inch of his suit to see if it fit right. Sportacus stood back in satisfaction, he and Jenny have been trying to get him to wear it for a while, Robbie was once again defeated. Robbie felt like he was a fish out of water flopping around for air in the suit. It wasn't his style, it wasn't comfortable and it wasn't high waisted like he liked it.
"Can I take it off now?" Robbie asked.
"Well, you look like a shiny new penny. Hello Robbie." Missy came into the living room with a couple of plates of Red Velvet cake for everyone. It was better than he pictured it in his mind Missy with...cake!
"Robbie?" Missy noticed that he was staring at her. Robbie cleared his throat, "Good evening M-Missy." Robbie felt like her name had to be ripped from his teeth. She handed him his slice and he happily started eating it, not aware that Missy was observing him. Once he noticed that he was devouring the cake like a starving wolf, he stopped and had a pitiful and defeated look on his face, "No need to tell me that you like it. I can see it all over your face." Missy giggled as she took a napkin and started to wipe his face off.
Robbie froze in a mix of fright and a hint of giddiness as she cleaned off his face. Jenny and Sportacus looked at each other, "I did that." Jenny mouthed to her hero. Sportacus raised a quizzical brow and then smiled, "Well done my love." he mouthed back giving her a smoldering look that made Jenny blush every time.
Robbie gently took the napkin and pulled it away from his face, "Thank you Missy. It was very good cake."
"Why thank you. But I must not take all the credit, Ziggy helped me and so did Jenny, anyone else want cake? I have plenty."
"Me!" Robbie blurted uncontrollably. Missy turned to Sportacus and Jenny, "Oh, I cant have sugar, I get a sugar meltdown." he said and then Missy turned to Jenny and she refused too, "I cant have any sugar either, when I kiss Spo here after I have sugar he goes into a sugar meltdown too.
"Its Sugar free cake, Ziggy told me about Sportacus' condition with sugar, so I left it out. Its harmless I assure you."
Robbie's eyes widened, no sugar? How did it taste so good then? He didn't know what to think about eating a cake with no sugar in it at all. "Really? There's no sugar in this?" he said pointing to the remains of his piece with his fork. Missy nodded and then took his plate to fill it again.
Robbie looked over at Jenny who was sneering deviously, "So, you do still have some rotten in you after all."
"I'm using my rotten powers for good instead of evil." Jenny snickered. Robbie scowled, he fell into his sister's trap once again. But there was nothing to do about it now, he had to go along with whatever Jenny had planned for the two. He liked Missy too much already to walk away from the situation. Missy trotted back from the kitchen and handed Robbie his cake, "Here you go Robbie."
"Well, we must be going, its 8:08pm and Sportacus needs his rest for tomorrow." Jenny said as she handed Missy their empty plates, "The cake was delicious and we'll see you tomorrow...bye Robbie." Sportacus and Jenny left so fast that Missy didn't have time to say her goodbyes to them.
"Why do I think that we just got set up?" Missy asked staring at the closed red door. Robbie looked over at her, such a skinny little thing with flaxen hair. He loved the way her face looked in the dim lighting of the living room. She had a confused face which made her eyes quite big in curiosity.
"Its because we have been set up, Missy." Robbie exhaled. "Jenny thinks that you and I would-" Robbie stopped and scratched the back of his head trying to figure out what to say and how to say it without creating the awkward moment that was right around the corner. Missy looked at him and almost smiled, "Jenny is a very nice lady, I'm quite surprised that she is your sister."
"I'm sorry, Missy I had no idea." he said. The apology felt weird upon his tongue. Missy just stepped closer and looked up at his sky blue eyes, "What are you sorry for? You are a very handsome man Robbie." Her sweet breath enticed him to linger closer to her lips. He felt almost a magnetic force pulling him to her and he couldn't stop it. "I would love to go out with you." she said moving a little closer. Robbie froze and let her come to him but his wait lingered too long and so he met her eyes.
"But I have a lot of work to do with this farm. I can't do two things at once." Missy then took her steps back and looked at him with compassionate eyes, "Its getting late Robbie, I have an early start in the morning." she said fluttering her eyebrows at him. The gesture made Robbie breathless and he tried hard to speak, "I-I...would be happy to help if possible." he said. Missy's face lit up and Robbie's heart jumped from her smile. She seemed to tug at every tangled string of his heart. "Really Robbie? That would be so wonderful. Jenny and the rest of Lazy Town want to help too. Thank you so much!" Missy almost jumped into his arms as she embraced him and Robbie's legs turned to jelly as they fell to the floor.

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