Chapter One

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This is the story of one of the scariest days of my life. My friends are always doing dangerous things to get themselves hurt and in trouble, but this was the biggest injury any of us ever had to face.

"Tag, you're it," Kendall tapped Carlos on the right shoulder as he ran down the hall of our elementary school toward the playground.

"No running in the halls," I said quietly right as Kendall ran into our teacher, Mrs. Donahue.

"Listen to your friend, Kendall, or you'll be sitting with me inside the classroom while your classmates are outside." No, she wouldn't leave us unsupervised. Most of the fifth grade classes had recess at the same time so other teachers would be outside.

Kendall quietly agreed, but the very second he stepped onto the dirt of the playground he took off. Carlos followed hot on his heels. James ran after them, but I decided to walk.

After bending down to tie my shoe I heard someone cry. I stood up and noticed Jenny Tinkler on the ground rubbing her knee. Carlos looked to be apologizing to her while Kendall gained distance. Apparently not seeing him stop James almost barreled into Carlos.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah." She lifted her hand to reveal just a red spot on her knee. "I fall down all the time."

Boy, that was the truth. Just that morning she tripped on her way inside the classroom and then almost brought an entire bookshelf down in the library.

I nodded and went back to following my friends. Kendall had made it to the metal geometric dome climber and was already two rungs up. Carlos grabbed on to a bar and climbed behind him. I made it to the equipment just in time to see Kendall reach the top and flip himself over so he was hanging upside down inside the dome by his knees. James had climbed two rungs and sat there watching our two buddies at the top.

When Carlos reached the top he slowly let go and stood up as tall as he could.

"Hey, look at me. I'm taller than Kendall!" He raised his arms in the air.

"CARLOS GARCIA!" Mrs. Donahue shouted causing Carlos to flinch and lose his balance. His hands went down and he quickly righted himself.

"Are you okay?" I called up to him.

"Yeah," he called back trying to stand up again.

"Get down from there!" Mrs. Donahue appeared next to me.

"Y'know, the longer I hang here, the faster the blood rushes to my face," Kendall commented pulling himself up into a sitting position on the top of the dome.

"You know you're not allowed to stand on the top of the dome like that," Mrs. Donahue continued. "If you don't come down right now you won't get detention and have to sit inside during recess tomorrow."

"Can I sit on top like Kendall?"

"May I?"


"Yes, but no standing!"

And that's when it happened. Carlos made to turn around and drape his legs through the bar just like Kendall, but what he didn't know was that his left shoe had come untied. He tried to move his left foot so he could bend down into a sitting position, but the shoelace was caught under his right foot. He lost his balance and fell forward hitting arms, legs, torso, and head on various parts of the metal bars on his way down finally landing with a sickening thud on the hard packed dirt.

At that moment I heard a cry I knew didn't come from Carlos. I had to ignore it as he needed my attention more. But, what could I do? I was just ten years old! Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. He was seriously hurt. My best friend Carlos Garcia was seriously—no, critically—injured.

I later learned the cry came from Kendall. The shock of Carlos's fall caused him to lose his grip on the bars and he fell through the dome landing on his left arm.

I had watched a medical program on The Discovery Channel the night before even though my parents thought I was too young to understand it and that it would give me nightmares. It was on this man who fell from a tall building and instead of dying suffered a traumatic head injury. It made him forget how to do normal things like tying his shoes, writing, and feeding himself. Was that going to be Carlos from now on?

"This is why you kids are not allowed to stand atop the dome or the monkey bars or any of the other playground equipment," Mrs. Donahue muttered.

I rushed to Carlos's side to assess for any injuries. Not knowing if there was a spinal cord injury, hoping to high heaven there wasn't, I couldn't move him, but I could look over what I saw.

"Don't touch him!" Another teacher reminded me. "An ambulance is on its way." She pushed me out of the way.

I stumbled into the crowd of students gathered around us. James helped Kendall, who was cradling his left arm, out of the dome structure and they came to stand next to me.

"Is he…dead?" James whispered to me.

"No, he's breathing, but this is really bad." Part of me wanted to roll my eyes or give James a sarcastic reply to his question, but the other part, the bigger part, was more worried about Carlos's condition. He wasn't dead, but I had no idea what state he'd be in when he woke up, if he woke up.

EMT arrived. Two men, one looked older than my dad, but the other looked kind of young. I hoped he wasn't too new and didn't know what he was doing. The older guy placed a brace around Carlos's neck in case it was broken. Better to be safe than sorry. They turned him over so that he was lying on his back. His left ankle was already swelling, I could tell from where I stood, and blood dripped out of his nose. I think I could see blood caked near the top left of his head, but it could have just been the way the sun shined at that angle.

"Are you hurt?" The young EMT asked Kendall.

"Just my arm. N-nothing like Carlos."

"We'll take you with us so we can check you out, too. Okay, kid?"

"Y-you don't have to."

"No problem. It's our job."

They loaded Carlos on the stretcher and into the ambulance which had pulled up on the playground as close as it could get. The young EMT helped Kendall get into the ambulance as well.

"Can we go, too?" James asked.

"Only if you're family," the older EMT answered.

"He's our brother."

"Let's go call your parents." Mrs. Donahue ushered us away from the ambulance. Once we had gone a few feet we watched as the siren and lights turned on and they drove away.

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