Chapter Four

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We visited Carlos both Saturday and Sunday. Each time we returned we had to reintroduce ourselves to him. He wasn't getting better. He wasn't remembering anything. Many times he forgot that he had an injury and would do something to cause himself pain. All his bruises were turning yellow and they didn't hurt anymore, but his ankle was still in the aircast. He asked us a lot what happened to it.

Monday morning we returned to school. I sat in the third row from the door with Kendall behind me. Next to Kendall on his left was James and next to me on my left was supposed to be Carlos, but today his desk was empty.

School has always been something I enjoyed, especially science and math, but today I couldn't concentrate. I kept looking at that empty desk where my best friend should be.

"Logan?" Mrs. Donahue called.

"7?" I replied quickly. Everyone laughed.

"We're doing social studies now not math," she sighed. "OK, I'll let you all go a few minutes early."

Instead of running out the door like we did last Thursday the four of us walked somberly to the playground. Not feeling much like playing since this was the scene of the accident we shuffled our way to the swings, sitting in them but not swinging.

"Look." James pointed to the geometric dome climber.

I can't say I wanted to look, but I did anyway to see they had blocked it off. There was yellow police tape and what looked like a wooden fence impeding anyone's ability to get on the equipment.

"I think they're going to take it down," Kendall remarked.

"They should. I can't stand to look at it," I said scuffing my shoes in the dirt.

"I'm sorry," Kendall said softly.

"It's not your fault," I answered him. "Carlos is Carlos."

"I tagged him as it. I led him to that thing and I climbed it knowing he would follow."

"But you didn't make him stand on it. You didn't untie his shoe so he would lose his balance."

"I di—"

"Shut up!" James shouted. "It doesn't matter if it's Kendall's fault or not. Carlos got hurt. The end. I'll be glad when they take that stupid thing away."

We spent the rest of recess on the swings just doing nothing. We didn't feel like doing anything. Not having Carlos around really zapped us of our energy.

"Kendall," Mrs. Donahue called out as we were about to leave for the day. It was 3PM and we'd only have two hours with Carlos so we wanted to hurry and get to the hospital as soon as possible. "I've something for you to give Carlos. How is he?"

"He has amnesia," was all Kendall said. I don't blame him. None of us liked talking about Carlos's injury.

"Oh goodness. Well, maybe he'll remember this." Mrs. Donahue opened the top side drawer of her desk and pulled out Carlos's most prized possession. "I feel so bad. If I hadn't taken it away he wouldn't have gotten hurt as bad."

"It's the rules," I replied feeling a little weird comforting a teacher.

"We'll give this to him," Kendall said taking hold of the helmet.

"Do you think he'll remember it?" James asked as we headed toward the front of the school where my mom was picking us up today. Mrs. Knight couldn't afford to miss more work so my mom was taking us to the hospital and watching Katie.

"Hey, Kit Kat," James greeted Katie as he slid into the backseat next to her. She stuck her tongue out at him. I don't think she liked that nickname.

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