Chapter Two

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As soon as the ambulance disappeared we were ushered into the nurse's office just to make sure we were okay and to use the phone. Mrs. Donahue first called Carlos's parents. She was only able to get Mrs. Garcia on the phone, but Mrs. Garcia must have called Mr. Garcia for they were both currently sitting next to James and me in the hospital waiting room. They were both crying. Adults aren't supposed to cry!

After contacting a Garcia, Mrs. Knight was called. She had to leave her waitressing job early. Katie, Kendall's five year old sister, sat in the waiting room with us while Mrs. Knight was with Kendall back in the examining room. She had picked Katie up from kindergarten early because she didn't know how long she'd be at the hospital and she didn't have anyone to watch her.

My mom was called next. She wasn't working that day so she was able to takes James and me to the hospital. We wouldn't have had it any other way. Mrs. Donahue said we were excused from school anyway. Neither of us was hurt, but we'd both had a traumatic experience involving one of our best friends.

James's mom had been contacted and she was busy working, as she always was, so she gave her permission to allow James to be dismissed with my mom.

That is how I ended up in the waiting room of the local hospital with James, Mr. and Mrs. Garcia, my mom, and Katie. No one was talking. The Garcias were crying. Katie was biting her nails. James stared at the tiles on the floor tapping his foot to an undistinguishable rhythm. For some odd reason I was doing multiplication tables in my head. If I continued thinking 4x3=12, 4x4=16 I didn't have to think about what happened to Carlos. Just think about the next math problem. 4x5=20.

"Big Brother!" Katie exclaimed bringing me out of my weird math thoughts.

Kendall walked towards the group with his left forearm in a white cast.

"Won't be playing hockey for six weeks," he sighed hugging Katie who had run straight into his arms.

"Any news?" Mrs. Knight asked taking over Katie's chair.

"He's still in surgery," My mom answered.

"If I hadn't tagged him as it and made him follow me none of this would have happened."

"You can't blame yourself," Kendall's mom rubbed his back as he sat in the empty chair between her and James. Katie fell into her mother's lap.

"She's right," Mrs. Garcia said. "Carlos is a rambunctious boy who gets hurt a lot." Saying this caused her to sob harder.

"Carlos Garcia?" The doctor chose that time to make his appearance. We all looked up at him expectantly as he began to speak. "I'm Dr. Grimes, the head surgeon on Carlos's case. We're not done with the surgery. It's a lot more intensive than we thought. He's suffered a sprained left ankle, bruised ribs, bruises up and down both legs, bruised tailbone, and a broken right arm. As for his head, we won't know the extent of the injuries until he wakes up. He cracked the left side of his skull and there is bleeding. We're working on patching things up at the moment."

"What does this mean?" I asked.

"It means he cracked his skull, there's some blood, and we don't know how bad the damage is until he wakes up."

"Is he going to have amnesia and not know how to do things?"

"We don't know. I'm sorry. I have to get back to Carlos now."

"You should have never watched that show last night," my mom said as soon as the doctor walked away. "It's put too many thoughts in your head."

"Mom, I need to know these things if I want to be a doctor when I grow up."

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