Chapter Three

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The next day, Friday, our parents let us stay home from school. James and I gathered at Kendall's house where his mom said he needed to rest. We sat around on his bed waiting. Waiting for 2PM when ICU visiting hours would resume and Mrs. Knight would take us to the hospital. Both of my parents and James's mom had to work today, so they were unavailable to take us (James's parents are divorced and his dad probably had to work, too, but I didn't know). Mrs. Knight was missing work to take care of Kendall. She was such a great mom. Don't tell my mom, but sometimes I wished Mrs. Knight was my mom. I loved my mom, don't get me wrong, but she wasn't as motherly as Mrs. Knight. Kendall sure was lucky to have her. Maybe moving to LA and having her be my guardian was sort of my wish granted. But, don't tell my mom!

"I'll drop you off at the hospital, pick up Katie from school, and then be back for you three," Mrs. Knight said as we rushed to her car parked in the driveway. After a lunch of turkey & cheese sandwiches which James, Kendall, and I were too nervous or excited to finish, we were on our way to Carlos. "You better be good in ICU. You're only ten and they usually only let two visit at a time."

"We know, Mom," Kendall said a little rudely. "I love you," he added.

"I know," Mrs. Knight sighed probably because even just three of us could be a handful. My friends weren't troublemakers so much as they were bundles of energy ready to explode.

As soon as we made it to the hospital and exited Mrs. Knight's car we ran inside only to be stopped by Kendall.

"We're ten years old. We're in the hospital without adult supervision. We really do need to be careful or they may just kick us out."

"OK," James answered. Kendall gave him a look. "OK!" He gave him one of his patented James Diamond looks. Yes, at ten years old he had mastered that look. I can't describe it, but if you talk to him you most likely have been given the look at some point.

We walked. I know part of me wanted to run and see Carlos's condition as quickly as I could, but another part wanted to walk as slowly as possible and prolong what we were all afraid of.

"Shh," Kendall indicated after we stepped off the elevator and arrived at the double door entrance of the ICU. He pushed those double doors and we stepped inside the quiet place bustling with nurse activity. As we made our way to the third door on the left, aka Carlos's room, I noticed the man in the room next door was no longer there.

"Here we go," James said once we approached the door. The door was open and there's also a huge window so the nurses can see in at all times, but none of us were looking in that direction. I was afraid of what lay beyond the door and I assumed James and Kendall were, too.

The three of us stepped inside at the same time to see…

"Carlos!" Kendall exclaimed a little loudly.

"Hey, buddy!" James said.

"Hey," I spoke.

Carlos blinked his eyes a few times before showing any other kind of reaction. Honestly, I was surprised to see him awake.

Tentatively, we stepped closer.

"Do you remember what happened?" Kendall asked.

Carlos blinked again and shook his head very slowly no.

"What do you remember?"

He shook his head again.

"Carlos, do you remember us?" I asked.

He didn't respond. He just looked at the three of us solemnly.

"I'm Kendall."


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