Chapter Five

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It had been officially one week since Carlos's injury and he was still in ICU. That was to be expected of course. The day before we had been told he was scheduled for an early morning surgery to have his skull closed. The swelling in his brain had gone down enough that it was doing more damage keeping his skull open than it was helping. He hadn't another seizure since that one Monday and his slurring was getting much better.

His memory? Well, bits and pieces were coming to him, but not everything. He also didn't have all his motor skills. After his surgery he would have to start attending physical therapy. He had finally gotten his aircast off as the swelling in his ankle had completely resided.

Our parents let us stay home from school the day of Carlos's surgery. We told them we'd be completely useless with all our thoughts on our best friend. It's true. I've been completely useless this past week anyway. Good thing we haven't had any tests.

"You be good, Carlos," I said holding his hand. He had been prepped for surgery and was just about to receive his anesthesia IV. It was six o'clock in the morning and we three boys, my dad, and Carlos's parents were at the hospital for Carlos's surgery. Well, my dad was here to drop Kendall, James, and me off and then later he would head on to work. He cared about Carlos, but he couldn't take a day off work like I could school.

"Heal my head?" He asked.

"Yes, this is going to heal your head," Kendall replied, holding Carlos's other hand. "They're going to close up your skull."

"My skull? Why is my skull op'n?"

"Long story, buddy," James said standing at the foot of the bed. "Do you remember us telling you how you hurt your head?"

Carlos nodded. He still didn't remember the accident, but he remembered us telling him about it.

"That's why your head is open and the doctors need to close it now," I finished.

"Will i' 'urt?"

"You'll be asleep."

"I wake up?"

"You shouldn't. They're going to give you anesthesia that will put you to sleep and as long as they feed it to you," I pointed to the IV in Carlos's arm that was waiting for the drip, "you should remain asleep."

"I dunno."

"It's going to be okay," Kendall reassured.

"Carlos, are you ready?" A young male walked into the room. "I'm your anesthesiologist, Chris."

Carlos's gaze shifted from us to Chris to his parents and back and forth.

"It's going to be okay," his mom repeated taking his hand from me.

Silently, Kendall, James, and I walked out of the room leaving Carlos with his parents and Chris.

"He's going to be all right," Kendall reassured.

"Any surgery is a big deal," I countered.

"Yeah, but they aren't doing anything but close up his skull."

"Brain surgery, whether it's changing something in the brain or closing up his skull is a major deal."

"OK, I'm wrong. We don't know if he's going to be all right, Negative Ned."

"Who's Ned?" James asked causing me to laugh and Kendall to roll his eyes.

Thirty minutes later we were all sitting with my dad, Mrs. Garcia, and Mr. Garcia. Kendall was anxiously nibbling on his fingernails which were pretty much almost bitten down to the quick. James was sort of laying down on two chairs with his eyes closed, but I knew he wasn't asleep. He was mumbling something to himself, but I couldn't understand and didn't want to interrupt his privacy. I just sat there this time unable to really concentrate on anything.

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