Chapter 8

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Unknown POV
Desiree better watch her back she think she can just leave and go with that thug she gone regret ever leaving

August POV
It feels like somebody is watching us everytime we move somebody gonna get shot fr

Desiree POV
Making my way to my car i felt a pair of hands cover my mouth then everything went black

Nobody POV
As the black car sped off August and them came out to late to realize somebody was taking desiree
-2hrs later
Desiree finally started to wake up but she started screaming once she realized she was tied up in the dark
"Let me out of here wth"
The door opened and she saw three people walking towards her
"Mom" she said
"Yea u thought we wouldn't find u ? Huh ? Fuck you and your dumb ass sister as a matter of fact they actually just got her to" laughing loudly
"Your a pathetic crackhead" Desiree said
Next thing u know Desiree was slapped

Desiree POV
"Bitch did u just slap me don't touch me because u know if i wasn't tied up I'll beat yo ass dumb bitch" i said to this pathetic ass bitch i call my mother 🙄 "i should've swallowed u"
"Well bitch why didn't u"
"Why tf am i tied up u bms"
"All u had to do was suck some dick now I'm broke and i can't get my cocaine because of u wanting to call August we gone kill him and take his money"
This dumb bitch can't be serious right now 🙄
Angel POV
Getting thrown in a room with my sister only to find out this was all my dumb ass mother fault see if my dad was alive none of this would be happening she constantly blames us for him dying when clearly it was her drug addict ass i really hate this bitch
"I CANT WAIT MY OUR BOYFRIENDS TO FIND US SO THEY CAN KILL YOUR DUMB ASS" i screamed to this dumb bitch Ugghh Trey August and Chris need to hurry up

August POV
I know damn well this not the place i think it is I'm fucking tight how could somebody mother do something to her own kids wtf this bitch really must be hooked on something strong that's making her act dumb ishell smh
"Trey kick that fucking door in" Chris said
As we made it through the house we shooting everybody and everything that's in site making our way upstairs we kicked down the door to the room they was in
"Well well well what type of mother does this to her children HUH ?" Putting my gun to her head "SAY GOODBYE BITCH" and i shot her 7 times and untied my baby and Trey untied my sister in law  "let's get tf outta here"
"Desiree u nor angel not going nowhere else by y'all selfs for a minute so don't ask" 

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