Chapter 30

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Now before i start this chapter gone be all drama if you don't like violence don't read ...

Chris POV
These mfs thought i was playing i gave them mfs a week now I'm off my bull shit i want my daughter to fucking love me and imma make sure i get her and I'm killing whoever tries to stop me !! It's 12:00 at night and from the cameras i installed in jada house everybody is over there i guess having family night so me being me I'm going to intrude ......
everybody is having to much fun to notice Chris has made his way into the house Chris stood in the back of just watching until KJ spotted him
Man stfu i came to collect my daughter and I'm doing it with no interruptions
Pulling out his gun he walked over to Mariah
Anybody try to stop me I'm shooting now I'm leaving with her  -Chris
Fuck type shit you on bruh give me my fucking niece for i get mad !! NOW !! August spoke walking towards him with no hesitation Chris shot him in his chest I SAID GET BACK Chris said
Kirk kJ Trey Tj and ant manage to knock Chris down and they jumped him until Jada took the gun and shot Chris in his head and his chest everything was moving so slow for Desiree that she passed out Reina screaming while Mariah and Jillian tryna call the cops and angel is talking to August to keep him awake everybody is screaming and crying August kept this family together ain't no telling what will happen if he dies
Pops don't leave us not yet please don't 😪 -Ant
Ambulance finally came and got August and Desiree finally woke up and got in the back with him while everybody else trailed behind the ambulance
3 hrs later
Family of August Alsina ? The doctors came out
T-that's us Desiree spoke while stuttering
I'm so sorry for your lost we tried everything that we could but the bullet hit his heart and we couldn't save him -Doc
NOOOOOO Desiree screamed and was about to drop until Trey caught her
My fucking husband is GONE !! he's gone 😪 God no take me with him 😩
20 years with him 20 fucking years no i can't do this 😩
Everybody is crying tryna keep Desiree sane but it's not working
MY HUSBAND IS FUCKING GONE GET OFF ME !!! banging on the walls screaming and crying
Reina Desiree and Ant is going crazy Jillian is to young to know what's going on but once they tell her she's gonna be hurt just like them

4 days later
Today is the day i burry my husband i haven't eaten in 4 and i don't plan on it I've been in my room since we came back from the hospital kirk and Trey put together the funeral because i wouldn't talk nobody understands my pain the man that saved me from a broken home the man i loved for 20 years the man i married the father of my children he's gone ! And he's never coming back 😪 NOBODY UNDERSTANDS MY FUCKING PAIN THAT STUPID MF KILLED MY HUSBAND !! I HATE JADA 😪 ALL SHE HAD TO DO IS LET CHRIS SEE HIS FUCKING CHILD I HATE HER SO MUCH 😪 I'm so not ready to see him in that casket 😪 i got dressed in my black dress pants and my white button up and put on my black red bottoms didn't put no makeup on but i put my black shades on so nobody can see my eyes
Reina Baby you ready ?
Y-yes mom she came out the room dressed just like me just in red and black

Skipping the funeral
Nobody POV
Jada tried her hardest to talk to Desiree but Desiree ignored her Jada feels bad but there's nothing she can do he's gone and she killed Chris because of that
Desiree still won't eat everybody been tryna force her to eat but she won't she even left the dining room and locked herself up in her room LEAVE ME ALONEEEEE!

3 months later
Desiree ended up falling into depression and tried to kill herself but luckily Trey and angel was coming over to get Jillian and stopped her before she got to far Desiree swallowed a whole bottle of pills but they managed to make her cough it back up now they won't leave her by herself they stay there with her until she's stable enough to stay alone even though Ant is there half the time they still don't trust it jada never leaves her house she fill as though nobody wants to be around her they blame her for August death since they knew August and August longer they took Desiree side so nobody has seen her since he funeral Reina doesn't stop by she calls to check up on everybody but she doesn't wanna be around them ant sometimes be home but the other time he's with Amiyah kirk stops by once in a blue moon but they don't see him or Jessica like that anymore this whole family fell apart after the funeral and there is no fixing it besides family therapy August kept the family together now that he's gone everybody is gone to physical and mentally ........

Well well well looks like this is the end of the story hope you guys enjoyed the story stay toned for the sequel if you got any ideas for the sequel send them to me thanks for reading make sure to comment byeee😘

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