Chapter 20

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5 years later
I think august is cheating on me 5 years into the marriage and now you wanna cheat but i don't wanna jump to conclusions but lemme catch y'all up on a little sum well for starts august started singing and he blew up him Chris Trey and Kirko blew up fr August Alsina Chris Brown Trey songz and Kirko Bands  my brothers and baby finally left the streets alone and done something good for them selves but Chris cheated on my sister with kurreche and had a daughter named royalty some how my sister forgave him it was 3 years ago kurreche not in royalty life so it's kinda like Jada is her mom she just left royalty on our doorstep when she was 2 months it was a one night stand basically they went to the club and they met Chris was drunk but he begged Jada not to leave him she even tried to kill him but angel and Trey they've been wonderful they have two kids tremaine jr and Victoria neverson Kirko found a girlfriend she lives with us all her name is Jessica and they have a son named Kirk jerel randle jr  but back to us august started coming home late every night saying he's at the studio but everytime i call Trey he says august isn't there now i know what you thinking if that's his boy why he snitching well I'm there baby sister so they not gonna lie to me for him but i know next time he leaves I'm definitely gonna follow him.

3 hrs later
somebody is gonna die banging at my door like they ain't got no sense
opening the door i see a lady who looks about 7 months pregnant
Who you looking for ? -D
Um my name is miracle  I'm looking for august is he here ?
Why would you be looking for my husband ? -D
HUSBAND ? wow um this looks bad but I've been sleeping with august for about a year and as you can see I'm pregnant i honestly didn't know he was married he said he was single I'm so sorry just forget i came here -M
Oh no honey come in we are gonna wait for august to get here since he wanna lie to people i wanna see what he's gonna say when he gets here my name is Desiree don't worry i don't bite come in -D
Yea who this ? -A
Mmm august cheated on me and got her pregnant and told her he was single this is miracle miracle these are my sisters angel Jada and Jessica -D
Chill mamas i got this imma kill him once he get home watch Oh and by the way your baby about to be fatherless cuz imma kill him oh and your baby has two other siblings Reina and Aj Reina is 8 and Aj is 5 -D
Okay -M
Speaking of the devil guess who just walked in mf looked like he done saw a ghost
Um baby hey who's this -August
Bitch don't act stupid and don't baby me tf you cheated on me with miracle not only did you cheat but you didn't use a condom and you got her pregnant which I'm pretty sure you been knew she was pregnant and didn't think oh yea you know i think it's time for me to come out and tell her i cheated stupid mf you so damn stupid and I'm divorcing your stupid ass you got famous and got beside yourself you must have forgot who was here for you when you was locked up when you was inna hospital when you was in the streets you so damn stupid i hate you i told myself i would kill you but hey her child needs you more than mine stupid mf
August POV
Caught is what tf i got 😐 i know I'm wrong for stepping out on Desiree and lying to miracle but i can't lose my wife i don't even want miracle
August how many times have y'all slept together Desiree asked me
About 12 times -A
BULLSHIT so you telling me you slept with her once a month y'all been fucking for a year how many fucking times have you cheated on me ?
This is the very first female I've cheated on
Miracle how old are you ? -Desiree
17 -M
Oh bitch you going to jail watch this -D
17? Bitch you told me you was 23 -A
Okay tf i lied even if i would've told the truth you wouldn't have cared anyways because you came onto me tf -M
Next thing i know Desiree punched me in my shit and kept hitting me idk why but i blacked out and started choking her i didn't stop until i kept punches and kicks i could tell i was getting jumped opening my eyes i see angel Trey Chris Kirko and Jada jumping my ass looking to my left i see Desiree breathing for air while Jessica and miracle try to help her up
I just left guess imma stay at a hotel tonight and look for a house tomorrow
Well that happened 3 months ago i haven't seen Desiree in 3 months I've apologized to the guys and we've talked but they've told me Desiree found somebody knew like damn you just go and talk to somebody else just that fast okay hoe 
I've been living my best life I've met somebody her name is London yup I've went gay don't feel like dealing with boys anymore but lemme tell y'all her head game is wonderful better than august now he can dick me down very well but ain't nothing like scissoring bumping pussies together but my kids always asking about they damn father like stfu if he wanted to see you he would've came to see y'all but he's been around miracle baby every damn day i see just because i moved on don't mean I'm completely done with him i want my man back but i can't let him off the hook that fast

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