Chapter 17

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Today is the day they release me and Reina from the hospital and i can honestly say I'm happy to be leaving his place my damn body sore from that hard ass bed lol but anyways everybody has been with me for the past three days while i was here my father wouldn't leave my side and August was hogging Reina 😂 and August mother was here even though she doesn't really like me matter fact when we get to the house imma get to the bottom of this (Stay Tuned)

My daughter is here and i can honestly say I've feel in love all over again imma make sure my daughter never have to want for anything but my mom has been nagging me about why I'm with Desiree she says Desiree is only with me for my money but Desiree still to this day doesn't ask me for money i just do the stuff i do for her out of the kindness of my heart i don't get my she doesn't like her Travis likes her smoke likes her Chandra and the kids like her so idk why she doesn't her and my sister just wanna be stuck up and don't like nobody I'm with well news flash Desiree isn't going anywhere and imma marry her once Reina turns one💯

Everyone is at the house including Sheila Chandra Travis neita and smoke everyone sitting around but neita keeps giving me evil looks i don't know what I've ever done to her or
Sheila but they got me fucked up
"What's your problem why u keep looking at me like i did something wrong To you ?"
N- i don't think u the right one for my brother u a gold digger and i don't like it u come from nothing now look at u looking bougie ishell tf my brother doing to much for your snobby ass
A- that's enough neita u got me fucked up if u think imma sit here and let u talk to my girl like that u and mama got some nerve because when mama was messing with them dudes and she kicked me out for them and they was beating on her but yet y'all mad at me for messing with Desiree a girl who truly loves me and puts up with my shit not once have she ever asked me for anything not a damn dime i do the shit i do for her because I want to not because she asked it's because i want to she puts up a fight everytime i ask her to buy her something because she doesn't like people buying her anything and neita u of all people got some damn nerve u the worse gold digging bitch I've ever met yea everybody knows u only with James because he has ALOT of money get ya life before u try to come at my wife again sister or not u dead fucking wrong
S- August i will slap the shit outta u if u ever chose this bitch side over your family
Trav- u mean over yall two mama cuz we don't have no problem with her she's family it's just u and neita that's giving her a hard time what's really the issue y'all have with her
Angel- is it because that whore of a mother we have fucked the Man U fell in love me Sheila ? Is it that
By now Sheila is in tears i honestly think that's the reason now it's time for me to speak
D- Do you really think it's okay for u to take your anger out on me and my sister because of that bitch whore ways it's not right as u can see my mother gave me up for drugs so do u really think it's okay for u to give me a hard time because of what that bitch did ITS NOT RIGHT Yea i didn't come from a home with money but u will not sit here and bash me in saying I'm a gold digger because my mother slept with August father which i didn't know about until a week ago YOU AND YOUR DAUGHTER ARE DEAD WRONG WHAT EVER MY MOTHER DID HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME YOU DEFINITELY WILL NOT SIT IN MY HOUSE AND CALL ME ALL TYPES OF NAMES i love this young man not for money but because he's the first man in years that actually treat me like the Queen i am he has shown me what love actually felt like he was there when i felt like crawling into a hole and never coming out of it he was there and i definitely was there WHEN U PUT HIM OUT so how dare u tell me I'm only with him for money i was there when he needed YOU the most I'm tired of the cold stares you to give me i wanna be treated like i belong this is all i ever wanted do u see everybody in this room ? Everybody treat me like I'm there blood even though angel and Jada actually my blood everybody else could've treated me like i was an outsider but they didn't the took me in as a sister and it's crazy because at the family cookout i was looking forward to calling u my mother in law but now I'm not so sure but at the end of the day imma love your son like it's no tomorrow and u or your daughter isn't gonna stop me now if u will excuse me I'm goin to check on my daughter and i dare u to try and say that baby ain't August baby Yea i heard u at the hospital u a old miserable bitch when u grow up then I'll probably consider u as my mother in law but as of now me and my daughter good since it's not August baby why u let him sign the birth certificate MY POINT EXACTLY.

You are dead wrong ma and u and neita need to go apologize to my girl RIGHT NOW !!
N- sorry but i will not apologize to this bitch and as long as y'all together I'm not your sister fuck u and her hoe ass mother is the reason my fucking father left i hate her and imma always hate her
Right now I'm boiling hot
N- u are the only person i told this to August really ?
Now she's crying oh well
"Go apologize to my girlfriend NOW!
N- whatever August

Now August mother and sister is in my face tryna apologize
S-listen to me Desiree your mother took my first love away i had no choice but to make y'all life hell im sorry okay I'm just still hurting and holding on to the past
D- it's not right that y'all treat me like shit when I'm just tryna treat y'all like the family i never had and neita when i first met u i looked at u as a sister then a week later u just started treating me like shit it ain't right at all
N- you right and I'm sorry for everything honestly let's just put this in the past and be family the way we suppose to be we love you despite the way we treated you
D-i Love y'all to ❤️

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