Chapter 22

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5 months later
Quick update on everything as y'all know we have 2 kids biologically but we adopted one her name is Jillian she 4 her mother and father died in a car crash so we took her in last year and made her our Legally so we have 3 kids 2 girls 1 boy but once we have another boy Our family will be complete oh and we have our own house everybody decided to move out since it was getting crowded but we didn't move far these dummies literally wanted all our house to be next to each other so Chris and Jada live one the next block Trey and angel live 5 houses down and Kirko and Jessica live across the street crazy right ? Yea i know
I know we all moved out of the house that we was living in but i miss everybody living together and i haven't seen Jada in about two weeks but everytime i go over there Chris says she's not there idk what's going on but i know my sister better be okay or imma kill Chris my damn self before anybody else get to him
Lately things have been going down hill the Mariah is always with my dad so everytime me and Chris argue he beats me since she's not here she does it until i pass out and he won't let me leave and he broke my phone so i can't call anybody but best believe I'm leaving tonight i can't take it anymore this has been going on for a month now and I'm done so when he goes to sleep I'm running to kirk house since i heard august and Desiree will be going on a date tonight so idk when they will be home so imma go to kirk house instead
4 hrs later 12:00 Am
Damn we only live the next block over and i feel like I've been running for so. Damn long i should've drove wtf
"baby somebody at the door"
I'm woken up out my sleep by Jessica saying somebody at the door
Who is it ? 
It's Jada
Opening the door i stg i cant recognize her face she looks like somebody has been tryna kill her
3 way call
Ayo i need y'all to get to my house now it's a family emergency
Trey - ighhh
August - ight im pulling up in my drive way now
Chris - ight bro I'm on my way
End of convo
You gone tell me or wait till everybody get here ?
I- i prefer when everybody g- gets hhere
Nobody POV
August and Desiree gets there first and is completely on killing mode since she won't talk August Desiree kirk or Jessica don't know that Chris is the one who did that to her face finally Trey angel and Chris gets to the house and everybody is mad and Chris looks like he's about to shit on his self
Well for the past month Chris has been beating on me and it has gotten worse two weeks ago that's why i haven't been coming around because he has been locking me in the bedroom and telling y'all that i wasn't there Jada finally speaks
Now all the boys are looking at Chris with pure anger
Aye blood you been putting your hands on my little sister ? August spoke
Man smd that's my girl can't nobody tell me shit Jada let's fucking go before i beat yo ass some more didn't u tell yo d- Chris spoke but was cut off by August punching him in his mouth by now Chris is getting jumped by all 3 boys while the girls are comforting a now crying Jada
The boys have been beating Chris ass for about 10 mins until he's unconscious they finish and kick him outside to freeze to death but nobody really give a fuck if he dies or not that mf has crossed the line
Jada lets go we going to get you and Mariah shit and you staying with us no if and buts about it and if i see you ever talking to that nigga again imma beat yo ass with this black hard belt and no he can't see his fucking child nomore if he can hit you he will do it to her do i make myself clear ? August spoke to Jada angrily
Yes august damn Jada spoke
And with that being said they left by Chris wasn't outside anymore oh Well maybe he went to think about what tf he did
Pulling up to Jada house they see Chris car here and him Jada Desiree and Kirk got out the car kirk insisted on coming and Trey stayed with the girls Incase he tried to come back there but i guess he won't since his car is here but they walked into the house and he's Chris putting ice on his face
Aye blood gtf out my house and Jada go tf upstairs bruh Chris weakly says to them
Jada and Desiree go upstairs and pack her and Mariah shit now Kirk spoke
Man i said she ain't going nowhere and she ain't taking my child Chris said stepping closer to kirk
Man i advise you to get tf out my face my Lil sister and niece not staying here nomore now back tf up or i murk your stupid ass real talk you must have forgot who tf i am nigga i taught you how to fight bitch kirk spoke
Chris weakly swings on Kirk and misses while Kirk hits him with a two piece and august holds Chris hands hind his back while Kirk gives him all types of body shots and face shots while they wait for the girls to be finish they take turns now Kirk has Chris arms while august and giving this nigga all face shots until he can't move anymore by now the girls are down stairs and ready to go they drop Chris on the floor and leaves out
August we have to go to pops house before Chris gets there so he won't try to get Mariah before we do Jada spoke
Pulling up to Desiree and Jada father house they get all the kids and leave thinking maybe it's best if we stay at one house tonight since Trey Nd angel are already at kirk house everybody will stay there just Incase Chris gets stupid again and try to bring people with him they can never have a peaceful time without some shit happening

Well another update huh ? But I'm about to skip some years because I'm ready to end this book so i can work on my next book called the new kid so go save that book to -Nellz

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