1. Loki Laufeyson x Reader

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An assortment of expertly hand-crafted weapons littered the tables and the majority of the floor, creating a rather large-scale booby-trap. Sparks – majestic oranges and crimsons – erupted from a singular forge. Impressions of unrivalled gods and goddesses were branded into what was visible of the walls.

Descrying those aforementioned colours, the mighty thunder god and his unwitting companion stumbled forwards, mindful of death should they misstep.

Being so committed to your work, their cautious footfalls registered only once they were upon you. Glancing up, your beauteous (e/c) eyes captured two other pairs – both intrigued and completely in awe.

Thor first broke the silence. "(Y/n)! How have you been?"

Gracing the men with a tender smile, you responded, "Never better, my prince."

He made a disapproving head motion, alluding to the vast amount of times he had requested a name change. However, before his turn to speak arose, you made an enquiry.

"What brings two of the finest Asgardians to my humble abode?"

The blonde beamed brightly, clearly amused by your choice of words. Apparently, he viewed 'humble' as a slip of the tongue, or perhaps a funny joke, as he recalled that you could fight just as well as you could forge.

"We were hoping to retrieve some weapons." Thor informed, his ever-present enthusiasm eliciting a gentle chuckle from your throat.

Standing, you stated, "Just a moment", proceeding to fend your way through the sea of armaments.

He listened until you were out of range, then prodded his accomplice suggestively. The younger Asgardian glared, confusion written on his perfect features. Upon finally understanding his brother's implications, he swiftly tore away his eyes, releasing a strangled cough, and tracing the intricate patterns of a stray battle-axe.

Thor laughed. "Come now, brother! Your affections for (Y/n) are so obvious!"

Grumbling, Loki snorted a faint "Any louder?" The vocal tone used by his kin resonated throughout the expansive room, echoing off the walls obnoxiously. Had you been within the surrounding area, he was sure to have melted in embarrassment.

"Should I not have noticed?" Thor guessed, pressing on. "Brother, you are bad at hiding your feelings."

"Clearly not. (Y/n) has yet to realise." Loki's words came out shakily, almost as if he was attempting to convince himself of this fact.

"She is more attentive than you give her credit for."

Flaring up, the younger Asgardian's cheeks soon bore striking resemblance to Thor's cape. His pretty features blossomed further, rendering his entire face the same colour, simultaneously giving his brother reason to howl with laughter. Not admitting that he felt an unbelievable amount of love towards you was the tricky part, despite him being the God of Lies and Mischief.

His impeccable body betrayed him. Whenever you were in the vicinity, his mouth would dry, any witty and sarcastic comments dying instantly. Trace amounts of scarlet invaded his face, forcing him to spend as little time around you as possible.

"Who is?"

Synchronously angelic and seductive, your voice reverberated in his ears, immediately snapping him out of whatever trance he had fallen into, once again.

Further hindering the situation, Thor happily started up a conversation, and Loki unfortunately found himself unable to say a word against him, let alone contribute.

"A maiden has taken my brother's fancy!" A knowing grin painted his face, although, contrary to Loki's beliefs, the demi-god was endeavouring to help, rather than humiliate.

That was just a pleasant side-effect.

Flitting your now-wide orbs to the man clad in green and gold (your personal favourite colours, for reasons unbeknownst to either god), you detected the overwhelming feelings of discomfort and timidity – the latter of which you never actually expected the sharp Asgardian to possess. Granted, you supposed it made him more complex, not to mention cute.

Regarding him, you questioned, "And who might this be? If you don't mind me asking, of course."

Shifting awkwardly on his feet, the God of Mischief, in all his innocence, struggled to meet your gaze. A gracious smile tugged at your lips, but you downplayed it, so as not to give him any more embarrassment.

"I – I can't say." He muttered, almost incoherently.

Finding this utterly adorable, you purred, "Mysterious. I like it."

Turning on your heel, you changed topic, opting to converse with Thor about the weapons he had ordered, departing from his little brother's side, leaving him flustered, and more than a little precious.

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