4. Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier) x Reader

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"We've been over this Bucky." A disapproving sigh escaped your lips, prompting the man beside you to argue.

"I'm a threat." He stated with conviction.

Humoured, a giggle threatened to break the serious tone of the conversation. "Bucky, you can't get yourself classified as a natural disaster."

"If I destroy someone's house during a fight, they will be insured." He established.

"That's not the point..." You trailed off.

For a few days now, the Winter Soldier had been attempting to convince the people in charge, namely Nick Fury, that he should be catalogued as a natural disaster, because of the destruction he is able to cause while on missions. You, on the other hand, assured him that there was nothing natural about a metal arm.

This man was the love of your life, but you swore he could be so airheaded at times.

"What if I hurt you?" He questioned, willing his tone to remain tantamount to his usual voice.

Biting your lip, you replied in earnest, "You won't."

"How can you be sure? It's not like it hasn't happe-" Cutting him off swiftly, you planted soft lips on his, waiting until you felt him return the gesture, then making your way to his lap.

Steadying a hand on his toned chest, you brought more passion into the kiss, deepening it every minute. Soon, you had coerced his tongue to join in, prodding gently at your bottom lip, silently begging for entrance. More than happy to grant it, you opened up, permitting his hot muscle to traverse your wet cavern.

Moans of unadulterated pleasure ruptured from both bodies, as Bucky left no inch of your mouth uninvestigated. He felt like Christopher Columbus, except this time, he was the first explorer.

Upon separating your lips, you spied utter infatuation in his steely orbs.

"I love you, Sergeant Barnes."

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