6. Stephen Strange (Doctor Strange) x Reader {Soulmate AU}

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Soulmate AU: The last words of your Soulmate are written on your wrist.


"I love you."

Terror and apprehension, combined with boundless melancholy, burrowed themselves deep into your heart every time those meaningful words were uttered. You hadn't the nerve to cease his exclamations, although with each passing day, you became more and more uneasy.

The very phrasing on your wrist, etched in from birth, rendered you heartbroken. In spite of his ignorance, which you purposefully induced, there was an ever-increasing restlessness within him, and yourself. Stephen observed you carefully, daily, wondering what it was that ailed you.

Whenever he exited the Sanctum, a tender "I love you" passed his lips.

Shakily, you would respond in quiet. "I-I love you too."

The man who had gifted you everything you ever wished for, who treated you with the utmost care, as if you were a piece of fragile glass. And, in many respects, you were. The last, dying words of your Soulmate, intricately written on your (s/c) skin – the ones he spoke most often.

"(Y/n)," Stephen sighed. "I need to know what's wrong. Or else how can I help you?"

Breath quivering, voice threatening to follow, a whisper escaped your mouth. "You can't."

His eyebrows furrowed in perplexity, silently urging you to give him a better explanation. Finding yourself unable to glance his fathomless eyes, you instead released a tentative sigh, electing to recline slowly in your seat. A few, difficult moments disappeared, until finally, you resolved to tell Stephen the truth.

Gulping and infinitely anxious, you began to speak. "My...uh, m-my Soulmate's...last words."

In an instant, Stephen's entire demeanour changed. Rather than the hostility you expected, he used his recently refined magic to transport the two of you into another room. This one held the various tea pots and other such equipment. Gesturing for you to continue, he poured two cups, sliding one of them over to you.

Grateful, you cradled it, endeavouring to finish your monologue. "T-They...well, y-you..."

A solitary tear cascaded down your face, dampening your cheek. It triggered many more, and soon, the tea cup was placed on the table, your hands flying to your face.

"It's okay...I'm here. Nothing can hurt you." Those words seemed to reassure him more than anyone.

Gathering you into his arms, he muttered, "I love you."

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