13. Peter Parker (Spiderman) x Reader

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High and mellifluous, your voice echoed off every wall, reverberating in the ears of your classmates, some of whom were discretely hidden behind the door.

"To really know yourself, ignore your mind and find yourself again.

Life is always challenging.

To really find yourself, ignore your mind and find yourself again.

Life is always challenging.

To really find yourself, you can't be blind to signals you obtain and gain.

Thoughts are slowly changing."

Flitting around the room absentmindedly, you allowed gentle hands to traverse various sheets of music, and previously used equipment. Throughout the composition, your eyes remained closed, although you never faltered. With each change in pitch, your expressions grew more relaxed.

Amongst the amassed crowd, an anxious teenager positioned himself, straining to hear your melodic tone. Beside him, stood the ever-arrogant Flash, alongside his trusted companion, Ned.

"Hey, she hasn't joined a club yet, has she?" Someone questioned, a deliberate hint in their voice.

"Yeah, I wonder if she'll join the Decathlon team. We could use someone like her." Another chimed in.

A figure at the back grunted. "Dude, you only know that she can sing. What if she can't answer the questions?"

Concluding your single, beautiful (e/c) orbs opened, revealing themselves to your unexpected acquaintances. They briefly flickered to selected areas of the space, before settling on the rather forbidding wooden door, which you noted was slightly agape.

Collectively, the group held a breath.

"Hello?" You called, once more filling the room with a euphonious sound.

Unbeknownst to the infatuated boy, a malicious hand snaked its way to his back, forcefully shoving him into the door. Falling with a thud, he swiftly attempted to recollect his thoughts, but accidently glanced your profound (e/c) eyes instead.

Clearing your throat, you gifted him a tender smile. "Are you in my class?"

Barely nodding, he replied, "U-Uhu."

His nervous ministration earned a subtle giggle, causing your perfectly sculpted shoulders to move somewhat. Ambling to his side, you offered a hand.

"I'm (Y/n). And you are?"

Cautiously slipping his sweaty palm into yours, he responded in quiet.

"Peter. Peter Parker."

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