7. Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) x Reader

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Enchantment manifested itself in the form of a delicate blossom – the very one you now held out for her. Grasping the intricate concept of flower meanings, which admittedly, you had mastered overnight, a beautiful, lavender one balanced precariously in-between your fingers.

It was unaccompanied, representing all of your affections, which you hoped to convey with this singular gift. Like her, the glamour of this complex structure baffled you. It taunted all other life-forms with its elegance.

A grateful smile played at her lips as she accepted, brushing her fingers against yours unintentionally, eliciting a sharp breath from your throat. Concerned, she retracted, bearing witness to the blossoming of your face – it reddened like the flower you had originally planned to give her.

Twirling the amethyst flower in her delicate hand, she glimpsed the surprised yet elated flare in your (e/c) eyes. Out of embarrassment, you refused to meet her gaze, instead keeping your vision trailed on the ground.

"What does it mean?" She questioned, breaking your focus.

Lifting your head, you asked, "S-Sorry?"

"The flower. What is its meaning?" She laughed, easing you slightly.

"O-Oh. It means enchantment, and...l-love at first sight." Timidity taking over again, you attempted to hide your face.

Wanda made a sound that resembled one of recognition, which you immediately took as rejection. Readying to make a swift exit, you pivoted, stopping only upon feeling a gentle hand on your shoulder. Gulping, you craned your neck, greeting those gorgeous, sapphire eyes.

"At first sight?" The words barely registered in your mind, but still, you nodded, wanting to flee the scene quickly.

Her benevolent smile remained, seeming to grow with your clarification. Stepping forwards, she leaned her forehead against yours, whispering so quietly that you had to strain to hear.

"It was love at first sight for me, as well."

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