Chapter One

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" Naaaatsuuu!!! Where are you?" Zeref called out to Natsu scared that if he didn't find him soon their parents would become angry. After a few more agonizing minutes of searching Zeref found Natsu behind a tree playing with a caterpillar.

"There you are Natsu. Have you been here this whole time?" Zeref asked.

"Nii-san." Natsu turned around slightly shocked. Then turned down his head in shame.

"You know you not suppose to be out by yourself." Zeref lightly scolded him. Taking Natsu's hand Zeref lead him back to the house.

Doing his best to sneak in before his parents found out Zeref took Natsu upstairs. After getting Natsu to his room Zeref came back downstairs to meet his parents scowling faces. Zeref's parents were the only mages for miles around. They were extremely powerful but they were also naturally cruel and evil. This darkness had spread to their children though at the time being it had not shown yet.

"Where exactly have you been?" Zeref's mother asked in a deathly tone. Between his two parent Zeref had feared his mother the most. She was the one that gave the harshest punishment when made a mistake in his magic lessons.

"I-I was o-outside playing with N-natsu." Zeref stammered a reply. His mother then promptly smacked him across the face with the reply.

" I told you today you to study and practice only nothing else." she growled. " You are not to "play" with your useless scrap of a brother. He shows no potential don't waste your time with him." With this she sent Zeref up to his room and he was not to leave until she called for him. Zeref reluctantly went to the bedroom he shared with Natsu. He went in and lit the lamp on the desk careful not to wake the now sleeping Natsu he pulled out his book of magic.

Zeref turned to the page that he was suppose to study today and began practicing the smaller spells. After a few minutes of trying one spell unsuccessfully he became confused. He could do every other spell before this one on the first try so why was this one causing trouble. As Zeref read more into the spell he found out that it was meant for a highly advanced mage and it was a sleeping spell. He recognized the spell well enough his parents used it on Natsu whenever he refused to sleep. Annoyed that he couldn't complete the spell he went to bed and decided to bother with it in the morning.

Natsu woke up early the next morning and saw Zeref sleeping in the other bed not like being alone he went over and woke him. After many minutes of Zeref moaning and complaining he finally got Zeref out of bed.

" Come on Nii-san, let's go play." Natsu said.

"Natsu, no, I can't." Zeref replied lazily.

" Please Zeref it's no fun with out you." Natsu pushed.

"I said no." Zeref said angrily flinging his arm back with a ball of magic energy exploding against the wall. Natsu's eyes became wide with fright and ran out of the room.

Zeref heard his footsteps down the stairs and the door shutting. Zeref looked forlorn out the window as he saw Natsu running into the woods. He wanted to follow but was afraid of the consequences if he left the room before he was suppose to.

Dusk was approaching and Natsu still had not returned. By this time Zeref had mastered the sleeping spell and was beginning to worry about Natsu. He was practicing the spell again on a rat he found when his father came in. His father was just as powerful as his mother but not quite as fearsome. He was the one that taught Zeref the darker side to magic.

"Where's your brother at?" Zeref's father asked when he entered the room.

"I-I don't know." was this only response Zeref could muster.

With a growl his father sent him out looking for Natsu when he returned he was told to bring Natsu to him. Zeref went our in the direction he last saw Natsu go calling out his name listening for a reply. An hour had past and he still hadn't found Natsu. Zeref began to worry, what if his outburst from earlier made Natsu run away. He hoped this wasn't true the next person around was ten miles away. Clearing the thought from his head he began his search again calling out his name.

Zeref found Natsu five miles away from home under a tree sleeping. Sighing Zeref carefully picked him and carried him home. The sun had gone down and a light gray was the only way Zeref could see. Eventually he found the house and went inside. As soon as he stepped in the door Natsu woke up.

"Nii-san?" Natsu exclaimed.

"Natsu." Zeref said relieved.

"No!" Natsu suddenly cried. "I don't need you!" Natsu then squirmed out of Zeref's arms and ran up to his room sealing the door.

Surprised by the outburst Zeref didn't follow but he felt something from Natsu he hadn't felt before. That something was similar to what he tried to keep at bay for Natsu's sake but what his parents relished in.

So this is my first fanfic ever an the idea came to me awhile ago I just didn't write about it. Please no hate and if you have suggestions I would love to hear it.

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