Chapter 3

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It's been two weeks since Natsu and Zeref started training and the fight was in one more week. Natsu worked hard oblivious to what was about to come. Zeref on the other hand barely did what he was told, still thinking about how to avoid the fight. For the past two weeks he's stayed up thinking of some way that Natsu and him could run, but they had nowhere to go. Even if they managed to get away from their parents it wouldn't be long before they would've been found.

Zeref could try the sleeping spell but as soon as it wore off the he would have to fight Natsu once again. He snapped back into reality as his mother threw a shock towards him.

"Zeref you will pay attention do you understand? If not you won't enjoy the outcome for Natsu."

"Yes ma'am I understand." Zeref replied. His mother had found out that he wanted to protect Natsu and that was the cause of hime not paying attention. Because of it she began to use Natsu as leverage against Zeref if he didn't take the battle seriously.

She returned to the lesson talking about, Shi Nami, a spell that can be used to knock someone out but is normally used to reduce an oppenent to nothing. This spell gave off a violet circle around the caster's hand. It was a difficult spell but one that his mother had perfected. Gathering up energy she shot the sphere off towards a near by deer and it instantly collapsed. Only a minute later the deer got up and walked off as if nothing had happened. Zeref was amazed and afraid by what he had seen. 

"Alright Zeref it is now your turn. Practice on the fawn that is standing over there by the large oak tree."

Zeref turned to where his mother was talking about and saw the fawn. A few yards away was the fawns mother eyeing them carefully. Ignoring the that the doe gave them he collected his magic energy forming the violet sphere. By the time he shot it the fawn the sphere was encased his entire arm three times the size it should have been. 

Realizing his mistake Zeref shouted. "No wait stop!" the fawn looked up towards him confused, but it was already to late. The fawn was struck with sphere and fell. It's mother ran off through the thick underbrush beyond. Terrified by what he had done Zeref ran towards the fawn crying. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I-i didn't mean to th-this wasn't suppose to happen." Zeref cried cradling the lifeless fawn in his arms. 

"Wel I have to say you did a good job, but you didn't do what I asked. If you made it any larger the fawn would be nothing but dust if it was lucky. Oh well, no sense in wasting meat bring the fawn back it'll be our dinner tonight." his mother said as she walked forward to him. "And stop your blubbering Zeref its a brainless animal it's not worth your time or energy." Zeref got up and wrapped the fawn in his shirt, followed his mother solemly back to the house.


"Yay we get meat for dinner!" Natsu cried with a toothy smile. "Where'd you get it Mama?"

"Great question Natsu." his mother replied with a sly grin. "Your brother killed it with a new spell he learned. He learned it quite well"

"Really?!" Natsu turned to Zeref wide-eyed with excitement. Zeref on the other hand had his head down his jet black hair was covering his tear swollen eyes. "You won't use that on me in the fight would you Zeref?" Natsu asked 

"No Natsu I would never do that." 


Sorry for the shortish chapter and that it took me so long. I know about the new theories going around about Natsu's and Zeref's relationship but this is my idea before the Tartarus Arc.

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