Chapter 7

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It finally worked the barrier held. It took all of Zeref energy to test the true strength of it. He just hoped that strength would be able to compare to a dragon's.


Zeref was humming happily in his room when Natsu came in. Their relationship had been drifting apart. Neither one hated the other nor did Natsu really care about Zeref.

"Hey Natsu," Zeref asked. "Do you want to see something cool?"

Natsu ignored him, picked up a book and went to his bed.

"Come on Natsu don't be like that." Zeref pleaded. He got no reply. Becoming irritated Zeref went over and hopped onto Natsu's bed.

"HEY!" Natsu shouted.

"Well I finally got your attention. Come on I want to show you something."

"Oh so now you want to talk with me. For the past weeks you've shied away from me." 

Zeref ignored his statement and grabbed Natsu's hand dragging him out of the house. "Just follow me okay?" 

"Where are you taking me?" Natsu asked.

"Somewhere for old times sake. Besides I want to talk with you." Zeref replied.

"Please don't tell me you're taking me to that old rotten out tree."

"You know me to well, Natsu."

The tree towered before them. The top branches swung in the breeze above. Zeref turned back to the tree and plopped down in the undergrowth shadows dancing along his body.

"Natsu sit down. Let's talk."

"What if I don't want to?" Natsu tried to sound tough, but his childish voice made it impossible.

"Just sit down will you." With a huff Natsu sat down across from Zeref. "So how have your lessons been going."

"Did you seriously drag me all the way out here just to ask me that?"

"Yes, yes I did now answer the question."

"Fine I guess. I learn things quickly and Daddy doesn't get mad at me." Natsu averted his gaze from Zeref.

"Really? That doesn't sound like him. Even when I thought I did things perfectly Dad would beat me."

"Maybe I'm better than you."

"Come on Natsu tell me the truth. I know both Mom and Dad beat you day after day, threaten you with your life, torture you in some way just to break you down."

"Well they don't." Natsu voice was raised to a yell but there was a shake in it.

"Tell me the truth Natsu. Do they hurt you?" Zeref was yelling back at him. He needed anwers and if this was the only way to get them so be it.

Natsu broke and began to cry. "Zeref I'm scared. What I'm I doing wrong? I do everything he tells me to and I still get punished. I'm hungry I don't remember when the last time I ate was. Zeref help me." 

Natsu was sobbing into Zeref's shoulder trying to form words but couldn't.

"Don't worry Natsu, I'll help." Zeref stood up and paused. "I'm sorry Natsu." With a swift kick Zeref knocked Natsu out. 

It took more effort than Zeref expected to get Natsu into the hole in the tree. He had grown so much, but Zeref couldn't think about that now it would make what had to be done all that much harder. Zeref changed Natsu's memories so he could start fresh. Whenever he woke up again all Natsu would know is his name. The seal on the tree took longer than before Zeref wrote it so not even he could undo it. Natsu wouldn't age while he was in here and hopefully the seal wouldn't break until this age was over. For extra measures Zeref put another set of runes that completely engulfed the tree this would protect it from any harm. By the time he was done the sun was set. Zeref began to head back home to finish what he had started.


Okay this chapter was really rough for me to write. I had no clue how to start it, but I hope you enjoyed. As you can tell it's winding down, but I will tell you that the last chapter will be in Natu's point of view.

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