Chapter 9

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Last chapter everyone. As I said it will be in Natsu's point of view along with a view thoughts from someone else. 


Light was shining on his face. No I don't want to get up. I'm tired and the sun's annoying. Finally it was too bright to ignore Natsu woke up groggily. His neck had a crick in it and he ached all over. Mommy and Daddy are probably worried about me I should get home. He stood up an exited his resting place inside a tree. The longer he stood there the more he realized he couldn't remember the way home or what his parents looked like. He turned in a circle beginning to panic. The grass was green around him and all the trees were thinner than the one he just came from. Nothing looked familiar. He began to cry.

Far off on the other side of the forest a creature heard this cry and became curious. He took flight and followed the sounds of the cry. A few minutes later he found a young boy sitting beneath a tree. Something was strange about this boy. He look innocent but inside the creature sensed a growing darkness. He decided to sit and wait.

Natsu kept on crying until he heard a loud thump. He was curious and began to wander a way from the tree. He went deeper into the forest but couldn't find anything and decided to turn back. Turning around a  great shadow loomed over Natsu. It took him aback and he fell into the grass on the verge of tears again. Then a face came out of the into a patch of sunlight. The head was huge, dark red, scaly with sharp teeth, smoke curled out of the nostrils. Then the creature spoke. "I'm Igneel, King of the Fire Dragons. Are you alone?"

Natsu nodded his head sheepishly.

Igneel let out a warm hearty laugh. "Well don't stop there boy. What's your name?"

Natsu thought. He knew his name right. His name was Natsu, Natsu what? Natsu Dragneel. "My name is Natsu. Natsu Dragneel." he said proudly.

"Well Natsu Dragneel since your all alone do you want to come with me? We'll travel around and I'll teach you Dragon Slayer Magic, how does that sound?"

Natsu was smiling wide by now, "That sound great!" He ran up to one of Igneel's legs and gave it a hug. It was nice not being alone anymore. He had a friend now and everything would be okay.

"Come on Natsu get on my back I'll take you back to where I live." Igneel called down to him, though he felt a bit uneasy. There was definitely a darkness inside of this boy and teaching him magic could make it worse or better. He had to do something to keep it at bay. Brushing the thoughts aside for now Igneel took off and flew towards home.


Natsu was seeing how long he withstand the heat of fire when Igneel called him. "Natsu! Come here I have something for you."

Natsu got up and rushed over to him. "What is it Igneel?" For as long as Natsu could remember he had been with Igneel before him it was just a blur except for a tree that kept popping into his head.

"I got you a gift." Igneel replied. He took out a scarf and put it around Natsu's neck. "Never lose this okay. As long as you have this you'll be protected and I'll always be with you."

"Thanks Igneel." Natsu shouted with joy and began skipping and singing around Igneel.

"Oh child if you only knew." Igneel whispered to himself.

"What was that?" Natsu stopped dancing around him.

"Nothing. Let's work on improving your senses." Igneel said. "If you can't hear a simple whisper then we have a lot of work to do." He took off into the sky leaving Natsu to sprint after him.


"My goodness Natsu you sure have improved." Igneel exclaimed.

"You really think so?" Natsu asked.

"I know so. You can read and write, plus you know the Dragon Slayer Secret Arts."

"Only because of you Igneel." Natsu ran up and gave him a hug. "I wouldn't be able to do it without you. We'll together forever."

"I don't know Natsu you sure you don't want go out into the world and explore without me." Igneel teased.

"Of coarse not. Your my dad, I'll stay by you forever."


Okay everyone that's it, I'm done. Thank you for reading until the end. Sorry the chapters were so short, I like getting to the point. Anyway I really have to thank Hiro Mashima for creating Fairy Tail even if he's a dummkopf with Chapter 415 and 416 of the manga.

If you have any suggestions of what I could write next that would be great. Good bye for now.


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