Chapter 4

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The day before the fight and Zeref still had no idea on what to do to stop it. He had spent every night trying to find a way to hide Natsu but there weren't any. Even if there was his parents would be able to break it.

"Zeref? Zeref? ZEREF?!" Natsu cried poking him with a stick. "What's wrong we're suppose to be collecting berries but you're just sitting there."

Right. Ofcoarse they would do something like this, send me out with Natsu doing happy go lucky chores when the fight is tomorrow. Do they really think I can push it aside that easily. "No Natsu I'm fine just thinking."

"Really what about? Were you thinking of a strategy for tomorrow? That's a good idea I'm gonna do that too." Natsu plopped down in the grass concentrating hard. Zeref couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey what's so funny?" Natsu pouted.

"Nothing. Nothing." Zeref said wiping a tear from his eye. "Well come on berries don't collect themselves."


Zeref and Natsu were laughing and giggling with each other carrying baskets in their arms filled with berries.

"What did the dragon say on the battle field?" 

"I don't know Zeref what did he say?"

"I've been told there would be knights like this." With that final joke Natsu rolled on the ground in laughter.  After Zeref got Natsu on his feet again they raced home. They reached the front door a few seconds later and quietly entered inside.

"Alright boys," their father said a bit too cheerfully. "You get to learn to cook dinner."

"Really!?" Natsu exclaimed in delight.

"Yes really. It's a simple meal so it shouldn't be to hard for you to make."

An hour later with a nearly burned down kitchen dinner was ready. The chicken was charred beyond recognition but the boys were proud of their work. 

"Hey look Zeref we did it." Natsu grinned.

"Yeah we did, didn't we." Zererf replied as he set the table. Natsu had decided that because they made the meal that the table should be decorated to be really fancy. The white cloth that laid on the table stood out in their dark rustic home. And the flowers that Natsu picked while gathering berries seemed out of place in the center of it all. 

Normally they would eat quickly and go back to their studies or they wouldn't eat at all. So a long sit down dinner like this felt strange to Zeref. 

"Zeref are you done yet? I'm getting hungry!" Natsu cried out.

"Almost just give me a bit I need to put down the utensils." Natsu came rushing in and set the charred bits on the table. Taking his hands back blowing on them he mumbled to himself. "Natsu I told you to wait."

"Sorry, but it was getting hot."

"It looks lovely boys." their mother said walking in, in a strangely cheerful way. "I can't wait to eat it."

As always Zeref and Natsu were silent for dinner. The white cloth seemed blinding as they looked down at their food. The only sound was the light clanking of silverware against plates. The family quickly finished and the boys started to clean up.

"Why don't you take the leftover food into the garden." Zeref's father said. With a nod Zeref took Natsu and the extras out into the garden. Zeref had decided it was time to tell Natsu what he had planned. When they got out to the garden Zeref turned to Natsu.

"Natsu it's time I tell you about something. I don't want to fight you. You're too young and you're my little brother I'm suppose to protect you. So I've been trying to come up with a plan to runaway but nothing seems to go smoothly. I don't want you to tell Mom and Dad this, okay?"

"Okay, but can't we just not use our full magic ability."

"We can try Natsu, but it's difficult to control when you get into it."

"Alright I'll try my best." 

From where the garden their house could be seen and their parents watched the two boys discussing about tomorrow. 

"I have to say I'm proud of Zeref." their mother said. "He's been studying late into the night, almost all night at times it seems."

"Yes he has been studying, but I don't think it's in the way you might think." their father replied.

"Really now, so if hasn't been studying what I told him to how is he doing so well?"

"That's the thing. He's quick to learn so once he's done with what you gave him he goes to spells that hide people away. I believe he's been searching for a way to get out of this fight."

"Really? Then it looks like I can finally put my plan into play."


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